Eddie Vens profile picture

Eddie Vens

ALL SONGS were re-created by Eddie Vens

About Me

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Member Since: 4/26/2006
Band Website: prOBemEDia.com
Band Members: Eddie Vens

October - 2006 Well! Let's See....I will tell you "MySpacers" a little about myself this month.I am a pseudo tech-geek; Code-cracker for any program laid upon me. I am an artist by second nature, Gaze upon my profile and savor. A mind ever so splendidly; Unsurpassed knowledge defines my capability....I am a poet of many sorts.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Streams of forgotten nature, -minds are lost foreverHARDWIRED AT THE SEAM_ ........senses that will never beLive For The Mechanical !! Die From The Astronomical !!The ectasy of giving in, -come back to it....Again & Again.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .the "REAL" remix is upon full completion, so it will be posted soon. ALSO, my version of "The Outsider" from: A Perfect Circle will be posted as well. Be sure to keep an eye out for these 2 remixes in the coming weeks !! AND, be sure to check out DeadStar Assembly & gODHEAD on this profile. Both are really cool bands to listen to....Eddie

Samples of my Artwork:

My Blog

Eddie's Complete Remix List

Here are some various remixes I have created from various popular artists. Just click on a song to listen // download. HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY .... REFLECTING GOD - (rejected religion remix) ONLY - (...
Posted by Eddie Vens on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:25:00 PST

NIN Site Links

NiN site links ...
Posted by Eddie Vens on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:15:00 PST