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Sex Preference
Top or Bottom Both
Morning or Night Don't matter
Lights on or off Don't matter
Touching or kissing Both
Giver or Reciever I'm a GIVER
Nice & slow or Rough & fast Rough Sex make it hurt
Bitting or Kissing Don't matter
Scratching or tickling I aint gon be doin either one, dats on her
Grabbing or caressing Grabbin, I like it rough
loud or quite Loud, I like to talk shit when I know I'm layin it down right
Drunk or Sober Sober
Outside or Inside Inside
Standing up or laying down Both
Pain or Pleasure I think dat dis question is for females
A Break or straight Aint no breaks til I finished, Gimmie 2 ta 4 minutes and I be right back in da game
Under or on top of the covers Don't matter
Clothes on or off Off, I like to see wat I worked for
Good or Bad
Whipped Cream If dats wat she wants
Fudge If dats wat she wants
One night stand Its cool, aint nuthin wrong wit guilt free sex
Booty calls Its cool
pillow bitting I aint gon be da one bittin pillows, so dats on her
Long toe nails Clip dem shits
Sex toys Naw
Ashy elbows I got lotion right there by da bed, I get lonely sumtimes
Soft Skin Dats a bet
Music If I know we gon be loud and I don't want nobody to hear. Or if she likes dat shit
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 84%
Kissing Skill Level - 21%
Cudding Skill Level - 18%
Sex Skill Level - 83%
Why They Love You You can do amazing things with your tongue.
Why They Hate You You kiss better than them.
This fun quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 4744 Times.
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Anyone who could help me better myself to become a better man. Jesus and !!!!GOD!!!! when I die
Rap.... My favorite artist is Me cuz I'm Beezy Bitch. My favorite group in Genocide. My 2nd favorite group is I. P. but dem niggas dont want Beezy to get 16 bars on no songs cuz they know dat I Spit Hot Fire.....Like Dylan
Comedies, cuz a nigga like to laugh and trip. Hood movies cuz dat da one lifestyle dat I can relate too. Scary and Horror movies cuz I'm always hugged up wit a female when I watch one
Sportscenter, Every nigga know wats its like. I will watch da same episode of Sportscenter over and over again.
Nigga look at my pictures...... I dont read
My Mother, Cause she is da strongest person I know cuz raising Beezy was not easy. Last but not least is Jesus, cause he gave his life for me and you and dats some real shit.