Poker,Sports,Video Games and the fun in life
Dave Chepelle, john lennon, 3 6 Mafia,young jeezy hacksaw jim duggan,nolan ryan, the babe,John Goodman,sting the wrestler,Tony Boselli,Scarface,,Phil Ivey, Chong from cheech and chong ,D-Wade,The family guy creator,jimmy hendrix, chris farley,kevin james from king of queens,stu unger doyle brunson,jack black,
I enjoy a little of everything
I am a movie buff it is always a good time to chill and watch a movie
Television i watch ESPN for the most part but i am a big fan of Thats 70 show funny show, King of Queens that is me all the way cannot forget family guy,Dave Chapelle show, iLOVE nEWyORK,Nip/tuck
sorry if it is not sports illustrated, sports section a newspaper, card player magazine i really don't read much else
Fred Taylor,Billy Donavon,Will Ferrell