I am obviously Tyisha... :) I am a Gemini, which makes me very indecisive sometimes. I live in a house full of cats. I have two...Brigit Persephone and Chicago White Sox. My Best Fried and Roommate Erika has two, Kawaii Neko Nyan Nyan Chan and Kawaii Hariko Kyan Kyan Chan (Hari and Neko for short). My other roommate Ber has 3 cats. Oreo, Chili and Donut. So yeah if you are counting thats 7, count em, 7 cats. I am all ready getting the you are a crazy cat lady coments lol.I am always for equal rights and against animal testing. I voted for Obama too!I am currently unemployed. I left my old job and have not been happier. Granted the lack of money sucks but mentally I am healthier. :)I am also a big fan of Hello Kitty. I collect it.Want to know more? Just message me and I will happily comment back!CHECK OUT MY TWITTER MESSAGES BELOW!!!
Follow Tyisha at http://twitter.com/tyisha