J. Clarke profile picture

J. Clarke

About Me

Upcoming Shows Apr 19 2007 4:00P Barbourville City Music festival Barbourville, KentuckyApr 20 2007 7:00P University of Montevallo with Corey Smith Montevallo, AlabamaApr 21 2007 11:00P The Legacy Tuscaloosa, ALApr 26 2007 8:00P Rythem and Brews W/ Brad Passons and Rob Blackledge Chattanooga, TennesseeApr 28 2007 3:00P Fairhope Music Festival Fairhope, AlabamaApr 28 2007 11:00P The Sky Bar with Paul Mcdonald Auburn, ALMay 9 2007 8:00P Baytowne Wharf Destin, DelawareMay 10 2007 9:00P Harbor Docks Destin, FloridaMay 11 2007 9:00P Harbor Docks Destin, FloridaMay 12 2007 9:00P Harbor Docks Destin, FloridaJun 1 2007 9:00P Chestnut Station Gadsden, ALJun 2 2007 5:00P Alabaster City Fest Alabaster, Alabama Jun 15 2007 9:00P River Bend Music Festival Chattanooga, TNJun 16 2007 8:00P Somewhere (Private) Jackson, MississippiJun 29 2007 7:00P Aldridge Gardens Summer Series Hoover, AlabamaJul 5 2007 10:00P Wild Wing Cafe Hilton Head, South CarolinaJul 6 2007 10:00P Wild Wing Cafe Savannah, GeorgiaJul 7 2007 10:00P Wild Wing Cafe Harbison, South CarolinaJul 18 2007 8:00P UAB Summer Music Series Birmingham, AlabamaAug 4 2007 7:00P Verizon Music Center with John Mayer Pelham, AlabamaOct 6 2007 8:00P Bayfest Mobile, AlabamaOct 12 2007 3:00P Shrimp Festival (West Stage) Gulf Shores, AlabamaOct 13 2007 4:30P Shrimp Festival (East Stage) Gulf Shores, Alabama

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Acoustic Guitar

The first thing you have to do is get past the picture. You know, the one where he looks like he's gonna write another lyric. Because behind it is one talented singer who should have a bright future. Born in Miami, Fl and raised in Atlanta, Ga, Clarke grew up on gospel music and classic R&B and those roots shine forth brightly in his music. He made his solo debut in 2002 with records of my life, helped by Face tha Rugged Son and Crazyeightz. He also provided guest vocals on other albums, most notably Pieces of a Dream's Ahead to the Past. J. Clarke served eight years in the Airforce where he continued to consistanly worked on his music and progress even more as an R&B Artist.The first time I heard Meant to be, the lead single from Record of my Life, Clarkes 1st release, my jaw hit the floor. What I heard was Musiq Soul Child and a young Michael Jackson. I listened harder, and heard a wonderful new voice updating a classic sound, but with a very different lyrical message. If I Should Go is the story of a man who has had his heart and trust broken, but is growing impatient waiting for the right one come along. It is clearly biographical, and sets the tone for the first half of the album. In fact, Records of My Life is like two albums: One dealing with crumbling relationships and communication breakdowns between lovers; the other expressing the hope that arrives with new love and then acheives that. Fortunately, the album goes in that order, ending with the uplifting marriage proposal of Your Love. While there are a couple of soft spots in the middle of the disc, this is mostly a solid collection of cuts, the cream of which, In the Shower (another wonderful Michael Jackson-influenced cut). Hes the real thing and Records of My Life should be his ticket to some real attention. While growing up in Atlanta, J Clarke met a wise young emcee named CrazyEights. CrazyEights form a small group called EightSquad which was founded in 1998. While being apart of the EightSquad, CrazyEights saw a talent in J Clarke and Influenced him to pursue a singing career. CrazyEights was born in Manhattan, Raised in LongIsland. CrazyEights started as a emcee the progressed to a dj by end of 1998, CrazyEights had two independent deals as a artist and as a Club Dj As things began to progress with CrazyEights he formed his group EightSquad based off his name CrazyEights , EightSquad represented his set his foundation, his squad by 2001 CrazyEights & Eightsquad went independent, he dropped his deals to focus on his artists his producers his label, the group evolved throughout the years many members were added and removed, but CrazyEights never stopped grinding CrazyEights taught himself how you to dj, how you to record, how to rap, how to produce how to do webdesign, all his hard work made him a self made man in media and music by 2001 CrazyEights moved by to N.Y.C. to pursue his homeland and just focus on the artist route 2002 to 2003 CrazyEights was focusing on recording freestyles songs and etc Working underground in the studio everyday, watching the street game CrazyEights put out a cd called hypnotic mixtape was on some fun shyt real freestyles some people didnt like it and some people rocked with it soon after that he was bein pressed about the raps and battles But CrazyEights remained a private dude January 2004 CrazyEights linked up with Dj Mello it started from making his mixtape covers to actually pairing up behind da scenes handling ideas artwork help with distribution and promotions CrazyEights was involved in our 30 of Dj Mellos mixtapes Things feel out with Mello when business began to rise and they went on seperate paths. CrazyEights didnt let that stop him he went solo and pushed mixtapes on the street to all the dealers corner stores mixtape shops and distributors Since CrazyEights handled alot of distribution and marketing for Dj Mello he had all the contacts to sell small amounts to alot of stores shops streets all over the east coast December 22nd 2004 CrazyEights was in a crucial car accident, after that business was down hill but by summer 2005 CrazyEights regained his strength his grind back and released CrazyEights' Dipset Movement which moved good numbers in the streets of NYC for someone who was inactive in the mixtape game almost a whole year Thanks to support from D.C. at Central Station and Mixunit.com the cd made a buzz CrazyEights began working with MarkXclusive summer of 2005 Now CrazyEights is grindin night and day for his new label EightSquad / UptopZiplockGang Launched new website, has a new group, has his solo projects, group projects has his labels' Tshirt line, has another Tshirt line.

My Interests


Member Since: 26/04/2006
Influences: Stevie Wonder; Ray Charles; Michael Jackson; Babyface; Brian Mcknight; Calvin Richardson; Donell Jones; Jessie Powell; Prince; Avant; Smokie Robinson; Marvin Gaye; The Temptations; Jackie Wilson.
Sounds Like: Acoustics R&B
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


If love was a birdThen we wouldn't have wingsIf love was a skyWe'd be blueIf love was a choirYou and I could never singCause love isn't for me and youIf love was an OscarYou and I could never winCause...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 19:29:00 GMT

(CR)Ur Love Is

Girl the way I feel for youI've never felt this way beforeLike a child thats born to goand comes love the world she knowsTo share this love I feel so proudlike a bird I feel so free   &...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 03:25:00 GMT


Your the sunshine in my rainMy tylenol when I'm in painLet me tell you what she means to meLike a tall glass off lemonadeWhen its burning hot on summer daysshe's exacty what I need She's soothing like...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 05:08:00 GMT