Full Name: Brandy
Age: 77
Hometown: L-Town ( fa those who don't know, Lansing 51/7)
Location: Where I be...
Siblings: K-Dizzle
Pets: Mayday, one and only
Screen Name: mixedmamilove
Ethnicity: Black and Mexican (blaxican)
Height: 5'7
Hair Color: Black and Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Clothing Style: Anything that's not like the rest of them
Best Girl Friend(s): All females who know what I'm capable of if they aren't really real with me
Best Guy Friend(s): You'll have to know him for yourself.
Funniest: Everyone can make me laugh, sometimes its over their headz.
Craziest: They say it's me
Smartest: Damn, that's a hard one!
Nicest: Me, of course, I'm not that mean..;) ;)
Most Athletic: We all got them guns..
Newest: Shanean??
Love Life:
Single: In some eyes
Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Man Friend
If so, Who: Ya'll gonna get me caught up in this piece
& How Long: As long as I allow it
Do you love them: What is the true definition of love?
Favorite thing about him/her: X-Rated
Who's the last:
Person you called: Pepsi
Person who called you SOn's father
Person you hugged: My Son
Person you kissed: Ughh...
Person you cried to: Myself
Person you laughed with: My Son
Person you hung out with: Pepsi
Person who told you they loved you: Pepsi and Son's father
Person you fought with: Myself, on some ol' b.s
Person who texted you: Shanean
Person who asked to be your friend: Chico
Person you fell in love with: What is fallin' in love?
This Or That:
McDonald's or Burger King: What about Wendys
Work or School: Both
Mall or Movies: Movies all day
Hollister or Abercrombie: Hollister
iPod or PS2: PS2
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
Chocolate or Vanilla: Twisted on a cone
Cats or Dogs: Dogs, I deal with em everyday anywayz!
Summer or Winter: Winter and Fall
Love or $$: I Love the Money, but Money can't buy Love!
Football or Baseball: Football
Hot or Cold: Both, alot of people tell me my heart can be cold, but my body is like lava. They don't sit next to me.
Color: Silver
Food: A little bit of mexican and a lotta soul food.
TV Show: TV Land shows, that's some funny shit.
Perfume/Cologne: Why can't you just be natural, it shouldn't have to come to this please, only if necessary. I do like Anna Sui, Escada and Diesel
Type of Music: R&B Queen, but Rap is my King
Car: ANything that rides smooth enough my passenger won't spill their drink. I'm the designated driver.
Drink: Something smooth, that won't make me call that M.F Earlll!!!
Sport: Contact
Phrase: Live, Love, Laugh and don't let em see you cry.