Turkey, grapes, bananas, broccoli, yogurt, peanut butter, toilet paper, the covers of hardback books, doggie treats, cheese, rice, beef, chicken, napping, looking out the window, going for walks, car rides. Getting our photos taken; we are used to it.
People with food, people who like dogs, people who like to give ear scratches. Other cool, pimp dogs - we don't care if you aren't a Keeshond or a cocker - we like all dogs.We DON'T want to meet the dumb spam people who think we are stupid enough to add a friend named "virgin not" or "ditzyslut" We are dogs, you dummy, not idiots.
It's cool.
We like them.
Dog shows are good.
Our mommy, who rescued us from the streets. Doggie rescue people, like the volunteers who saved us and took care of us until our mommy found us!
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