Maggie profile picture



About Me

My name is Maggie =)
I love my friends,concerts,traveling,rugby,wakeboarding, wakeskating,Europe,Starbucks,The beach,Summer, Fall, The leafs and volleyball..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
About you (quite unique)
Would you rather
Pierce your nose or tounge?: tounge
Be serious or funny?: hilarious
Drink whole milk or skim?: i like both
Are you
Simple or complicated?: complicated. what girl isn't
Loving or cold hearted?: loving :)
Do you prefer
Angels or flowers?: Flowers
Grey or black?: BLACK
colored photos or black and white ones?: coloured
lust or love?: LOVE
sunrise or sunset?: sunset
M&Ms or Skittles?: M&Ms
Rap or rock?: rock
Staying up late or waking up early?: staying up late
Tv or Radio?: Tv
Eating apples or eating oranges?: Apples
Answer truthfully
Do you have a crush?: Ya
if so do they know?: Ya
More do you prefer
Being hot or cold?: Hot
short or tall members of the opposite sex?: Tall
Sun or moon?: Sun
Emeralds or rubies?: Emeralds
Vanilla or choclate ice cream?: CHOCLATE
Boys or girls?: boys
Low fat or fat free?: low fat
green beans or carrots?: carrots
About you
What time is it?: 11:06
Name: Maggie
Nicknames: I have tons. but Mags
Tattoos: 0
Piercings: 5
What do you want?!?!
Where do you want to live?: By the Ocean
How many kids do you want?: 3 or 4
What kind of job do you want?: Lawyer or Doctor
Do you want to get married?: For sure
Nervous habbits:: twiddeling with my hair, bitting my nails
Are you double jointed?: i guess
Can you roll your tounge?: ya
Can you raise one eyebrow?: no
can you cross your eyes?: ya
Can you blow a spit bubble?: i have never tried but probably
Do you make your bed daily?: no its more comfy messey
Which shoe do you put on first?: left
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at somebody?: no
on average how much money do you carry with you?: i rarely have cash
What jewlery do you wear?: i try to remember to wear rings and earings
Favorite piece of clothing?: my pjs
Do you twirl your spagetti or cut it?: twirl
Have you ever eaten spam?: no
Favorite ice cream flavor?: choclate peanut butter
how many kinds of cereal are in you cabnet?: lots
whats your favorite beverage?: strawberry daquieri
whats your favorite resturant?: Barracudas
Do you cook?: I try!
How often do you brush your teeth?: twice a day
Hair drying method:: little sections at a time
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair/whatcolor?: to much.
do you ever spit?: ya
you own more than one brush:: ya
your favorite color(s) is:: green and pink
you plan on going to college:: ya
you're completely broke right now:: uh huh
you're happy with your hair:: meh depends on the day
you own a dog:: two!
you spend your money wisely:: i try
you're always making new friends:: depends on the situation
you like to swim:: love to.
you got bored so you took a shower?: or eat or go on facebook
you're patient:: most definatly not
What time is it now?: 11:57
Random shit
Favorite cheese?: chedder
favorite nail polish color?: french or black
ever been streaking?: yea
how many concerts have you been to?: to many to count
Moshing or skanking?: what is skanking?
Do you play DDR?: sometimes
do you like llamas?: i guess
how about monkies?: ya they are cute
favorite type of music:: everything and anything!
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Posted by Maggie on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 04:03:00 PST