Happy people who enjoy life as often and as much as possible. Those searching for knowledge- students of the world who know that they don't know it all! Dancers, free spirits, individuals with intention and follow-through. Bad girls who wanna have fun...good girls who don't know any better yet. People with integrity. Interesting people. Everyone who feels that "sexy" and "successful" refer not only to your body and your bank account, but also (more importantly) to your disposition and state of mind.
Sylvie Guillem, Darcey Bussell, Milla Jovovich, Jem, M.I.A., Drew Barrymore, Pat Benatar, Scarlett Johanson, Julliette Lewis, Angeleina Jolie, Patricia Arquette, Parker Posey, Rose McGowen, Alissa Millano, Gwen Stephanie, Kate Beckansale, Carmen Electra, Pink, Frances McDormant, Kate Hudson, Joan Cusack, Peta Wilson, Marisa Tomei, Selma Blair...
The Dalai Lama, Mikhail Barishnikov, Duran Duran, Billy Idol, James Earl Jones, John Stewart, Al Frankin, Crispin Glover, Johnny Depp, Larry Flynt, James Spader, Andre Arlovsky, Randy Couture, Chuck Lidell (again), Vin Deisel