♥ Jess ♥ [ live it up ] profile picture

♥ Jess ♥ [ live it up ]

everything has a purpose. 3

About Me

about me:
Hey, the names jess.
I'm currently eighteen, and enjoying it.
Which puts me at being a freshamen at ECC.
I couldn't tell you what I intend on doing in the future, i want to help people with whatever I chose. I'm considering social work at the moment.
I'm absolutly addicted to caffeine, laughter, internet, and texting.
I enjoy softball, it's brought so much into my life.
Steamwood Magic is practically my family.
I adore nature.
Storms, forests, lakes, and the city lights are absolutly beautiful and increadible.
I also love sunflowers, they are beautiful, crazy, and bright.
My friends mean the world to me, couldn't tell you where I would be without them.
I'm awkward and crazy.
I've learned to accept it.
I'm highly sarcastic, don't take it seriously.
I enjoy laughter, and making others laugh as well.
So I joke around a lot, it's a good time.
I make more expressions then you could imagine. People classify them to me. They're pretty unattractive but intertaining to people.
Music is one of the best things this world has to offer.
I listen to most kinds but I especially enjoy rock and metal.
I'm a stock processor at carsons, for longer then I enjoy. I am not fond of it nearly.
I enjoy creating theories and observations about people. It's quite interesting.
I beleive in living life to the fullest, and loving it. Life is wonderful and for the most part I love mine.
aim-letGoandLIVEx Hey.

My Interests

Barb, This girl is my best friend, by far. No one has ever come in comparison. We’ve been to complete hell and back, but she contains a piece of my heart and I always welcome her back. She’s one of the only girls I feel I can completely rely on. I pretty much tell my soul to this girl. She knows what I’m all about, and I love that she accepts it and knowing that she knows it all. I know her better then you probably ever will, and it’s amazing. She’s gorgeous, and we always laugh a ton. We watch the lamest shows possible together, and we just laugh at it, and love it. We’ve gotten into making fun of each other, but it’s a good time. She’s always going to be the one I know I can turn to regardless on the situation. She’s always by my side, and I adore that. She’s shown me what being a real best friend is about, and that’ll never change. I’ve never seen anyone that wants me to be happy more then she does. We’ve had more awkward conversations then you’ll ever understand. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. She’ll always be one of the most important people in my life, regardless of anything life throws at us. Hell, her parents call me their second child, and treat me accordingly. And I love it. We’ve gotten back to an amazing place, and I hope it stays this way. She’ll forever be my best friend. I couldn’t imagine one thing in this world that could break this. I love you best friend

mike, my fantastic boyfriend. under consturcition
under construction.
Monica&Challen, Wow, I’m going to miss these girls more then anything. I already miss them, and they just left. They’re off to college, and I know they are going to succeed and make themselves even better. I support them both, and plan to watch them become all they dream of being. But I miss them greatly. I’ve known these girls longer then any of my friends, in a way we sort of grew up with each other. I laugh with them more then I do with most. We laugh more then we breathe. Usually over practically nothing. But it’s incredible. They will both be there completely for me, and I know it. They won’t leave my side no matter how far away they are. I adore that. I love that Monica will always tell you exactly how it is. She’s blunt and caring. And she’s constantly cracking me up. I love that Challen supports me in every way possible, her honesty, and caring as well. She makes me laugh like no other as well. They’re crazy out there, and amazing. I miss them like crazy, and love them to death.
Jodi, I’m so glad, that we’re going to the same school again. I missed her. She’s amazing. We’re completely lame together, and complain about being at school constantly. But I don’t know how I’d go through ECC without her. We’re constantly making fun of each other, and ourselves. She makes me laugh a ton, and we say the lamest things and jokes you’ll ever hear. But it’s great. I love our random talks, especially on the way to school at seven in the morning. She’s fantastic, and I’m glad to be back in her life. It’ll only get better. I love her.


No matter what this girl will always be important to me. I haven't seen much of her lately, but I still love her from the bottom of my heart. She could betray me and I'd still forgive her. We've been through hell and back and made it out better then a soul thought we would. She's had an impact on my life, I wouldn't nearly be the person I am today without her. She'll always contain a piece of my heart. And our crazy moments will always exist. I love her to death, and nothing in the world can break that.
Giving second chances are important, without it I would have missed out on this girl. Lately I've been getting so much closer to her, in which I'm greatful for. There is more to her then meets the eye, she's increadable. She's always there for me, when I feel like no one else is. I can constantly count on her, and I hope she feels the same for me. We're crazy wierd together, but I love it. We're retarded and lame completely. She knows how completely lame I am, but just accepts me and laughs at it. She's gorgeous although she's unaware of it. I practically live with her on the weekends, and she knows a lot about me from that. I couldn't see life without her anymore, she's a huge part of it. She's amazing, and is one of my best friends. I love her to death.
I've known these girls for so long, I've practically grown up with them. We definitely laugh more then we breathe, and that's something I enjoy. We adore just having fun and laughing at everything. I'm glad I've been hanging out with them a lot more, it's amazing fun. And I couldn't imagine not hanging out with them now. They're always there, and always make me feel better. I adore our laughs and great times. I love these girls greatly.
This kid is crazy and a tad perverted but he's still pretty amazing. He's got a great heart and is a fantastic friend. He always will find a way to make you smile and feel better when your down. He's put up with my worst crap, and just loved me for it. he's completely aware of how lame I am but loves me anyways. I've learned a lot from him. A lot about living life, and being your own person and making the complete most of life. I'm thankful for this. he's a great friend, I'm glad he's in my life, I love him.
My mom is definitely one of my biggest heros. I regret not getting to know her earlier, and for feeling I hated her at those points in my life when I really didn't. She's one of the strongest women I've ever met. She's increadable and wise. She's one of the most amazing people I've ever met. Lately, I've found out how much I really am like her. I'm practically the spitting image of her give or take a couple things. I hope one day I'll be an increadable as she is. No matter what I know I can go to her, and she will always be there for me. And not because she has to but because she wants to. I know I can talk to her about anything, and she'll be blunt about it. If I'm acting irrationatly she'll let me know. God, she knows me better then I even know myself. We're pretty crazy, but I love her. She inspires me, she's one of the greatest things in my life, I wouldn't trade the world for
These girls are more amazing then your aware. I miss them terribly. We're so lame is crazy, but it makes life better. We're constantly telling lame jokes and laughing at ourselves. We make fun of eachother to no end but just love eachother regardless. They've taught me about living life to the fullest, and about getting away with everything. They are convinced I look like a movie star, nothing I could say would change that. they're crazy and amazing. I love them to death and back

My Blog

The World Lives <3

The world lives to bring you down. But you know, that really isn't all of a bad thing. Without the bad you wouldn't appreciate the good, you wouldn't live, and you sure wouldn't learn. The tears and...
Posted by ♥ Jess ♥ [ live it up ] on Wed, 09 May 2007 06:52:00 PST

Looking Back.

Yeah, I've been in a big writing mood lately so here it is. So looking back on junior year plus this year, so much has changed. It somewhat seems unreal how much it truly has. I'm not nearly the pers...
Posted by ♥ Jess ♥ [ live it up ] on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 05:47:00 PST

Tagged. XD

TAG! shawing The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "6 weird habits/things about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 6 weird habits/things as well as st...
Posted by ♥ Jess ♥ [ live it up ] on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 03:49:00 PST

as things change..<3

so, it's only about three weeks into senior year, but i've done alot of thinking, and learning in that short amount of time, about life.  I realized, sometimes the people you never thought would...
Posted by ♥ Jess ♥ [ live it up ] on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 12:02:00 PST

Senior Schedule

1.  JR/SR Wieghtlifting-Bierman 2.  Psychology-Frey 3.  Anatomy-Daly 4.  Lunch 5.  Sr. English-Rees 6.  Civics-Connelly
Posted by ♥ Jess ♥ [ live it up ] on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:56:00 PST


this is once again, jess pretty much pouring her heart out. i needed to get it out somehow, and i felt if i talked to someone about it. i would be hurting them. as i've been told. so here it is, if yo...
Posted by ♥ Jess ♥ [ live it up ] on Sun, 21 May 2006 02:30:00 PST

top eight. 100 questions.

TOP EiGHT :: 100 QUESTiONS 100 Things About My Top 801. jim 02. crystal 03. challen04. ignacia 05. christy06. elisha07. sarah 08. monica 1.) Who from your top 8 is your favorite?they're all the bes...
Posted by ♥ Jess ♥ [ live it up ] on Sun, 21 May 2006 12:20:00 PST