Phunky AL profile picture

Phunky AL

About Me


Phunky Al zu Gast bei der Darktales Radio Show
Samstag 06.12.08 - ab 16:00 Uhr
Schaltet ein, wenn Selecta Tim die Teller kreisen lässt - live über UKW 89,6 MHz bzw. 107,45 MHz (Kabel). Neue Tunes und Infos über das kommende Album inklusive!
Darktales Radio Show: Die Dancehall- und Reggae-Sendung mit ausführlichen Interviews und kritischen Fragen, Veranstaltungsberichten, Gästen, Verlosungsaktionen und vielen „7 Inches“– nicht nur aus Jamaika: „It brings to you a heavy choice of Reggae, Dancehall and Soca tunes ... all a dem caribbean styles from 'way back' to 'up to di time“.
Weitere Infos auf .


Born in April 1982, my musical interest came up at the age of twelve. I started playing the guitar and explored several musical styles: Rock / Metal and Folksongs. Later on I joined different bands and kept playing the guitar at parties or other smaller events. In 1996 I came in touch with HipHop and my interest in style and culture was born. As a result of these interests spray-cans and markers were in use daily. But throwing up bombings and tags did not last a long time - the scene was nearly completely destroyed in the end of 1999. So I chose only to "write" legally. In 2001 I started producing beats and using my computer as an instrument. In addition to this I wrote own verses and combined them with the electronically created music. Every further step led me to other musicians exploring and developing own styles and rhymes. At the end of 2002 I met other MCs in my region who were choosing to fight their way through daily struggle using musical expression. But still it was not what I was searching for: The time with Output67 did not last forever, but my style grew: One EP, severeal live perfomances and the production of the "Unterwelt 4 Life" Sampler were little milestones in the experience with music. During this time I had more and more ideas and produced as much as I could. In March 2004 the understanding of musical sense and nonsense between my crew and me varied more and more. So I chose to walk my way relating musical interest. Other musical contacts seemed to be more important. From July 2004 till the end of 2005 I joined "Whatever", a band playing Soul, Funk, Rock and Pop Covers. It was a really nice time playing Gigs and enjoying live music containing freestyle or jam sessions. As an open minded person I did not set musical borders and spread the energy in several features, collaborations in different kinds of music. HipHop, Reggae, Dancehall but I always kept on styling in German. As it is my native language it is more easy to express the things I talk about and enlarge my vocabulary. So more and more artists in our region showed their attention and recordings and live shows with the BassTone Soundsystem from Mannheim at "Halle02 (Heidelberg)" were initiated. Likkle-T gave me the chance to set up new expereince by playing the SummerJam's White Tent in Cologne 2004. 2005 was also a great year. Focussing my mind on Reggae and Dancehall tunes I released myself by getting more and more inspiration. I'm living the music I spread - talking about what has happened to me, talking about political drawbacks or just analyzing the millenium-society. My beleive in music is unbowed and was reinforced in July 2005 as I was visiting Budapest, playing some Shows and live events with Love Alliance Sound and Likkle T. Music is a worldwide language. So I try to present it as honest as possible. I want you to get attentive and confirm your daily actions whatever you do, as long as you do it righteous. I can't tell where my dancing-feet will lead me but you shold stay tuned till I release my first solo cd. I do my best, that is for sure. It is not important where I arrive in future, the only thing that is important is music. In my opinion it is the universal language against racism, violence, poverty and evil machinations. Let it heal all our souls ! Let the good vibes take control ! A day without music might be a lost day - don't you think ?
(checkt meine website, wenn ihr das auf deutsch lesen wollt ...)

My Interests


Member Since: 26/04/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: me myself and i
Influences: alles was rockt - wenig was "in" ist ...
Sounds Like:

Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Mojosoundz: 2.Platz beim Newcomer Festival Rhein Neckar

"Weltmeister der Herzen!"Nachdem der erste Platz an Soundition aus Weinheim ging, konnten wir den zweiten Platz beim Newcomer Festival Rhein Neckar abräumen. Ein wirklich gelungener Abend, an dem sowo...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 09:32:00 GMT

Neues Release - MEK DEM RUN

Mek dem Run - Release auf Milli Chab's Words dem as Gully Gun LPDownloaden und reinhören!Ihr findet die komplette CD unter dem Menupunkt "Klingt wie".
Posted by on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 02:39:00 GMT

Feature Sommer

In den letzten Wochen sind neue Kontakte entstanden, alte wurden wiederum aufgefrischt. Das Ergebnis werdet ihr in den nächsten Wochen zu hören bekommen.Mit folgenden (MySpace) Musikern habe ich zusam...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 04:32:00 GMT

Neues Release - REGGAEMANIE

...lieb die Massive die Musik - oh wundervolle Magie! Seit Montag habt Ihr die Gelegenheit den ICE ICE One Riddim Sampler Vol.2 runterzuladen. Checkt Tune Nr. 4 ... und natürlich alle anderen auch: ht...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 14:10:00 GMT

VibeMic - Unter den ersten 5!

Phunky AL beim VibeTribe-Festival!Anlässlich der Ausschreibung der VibeTribe Family habe ich an dem VibeMic Contest teilgenommen und kam prompt unter die ersten 5. Das bedeutetich werde am 09.06.07 in...
Posted by on Wed, 30 May 2007 23:14:00 GMT

Brothers Keepers Lyrikwettbewerb - Die besten 10

Aus Anlass des Internationalen Tags zur Beseitigung der Rassendiskriminierung und dem Welttag der Poesie am 21. März hatte der Verein Brothers Keepers zu einem bundesweiten HipHop- und Lyrikwettb...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:37:00 GMT

Instrumentals / Riddims wanted ...

Ihr habt übrige Riddims und wisst nicht wohin ? Euch gefällt meine Ausdrucksweise und ihr würdet gerne was starten ?Ich bin momentan producing-technisch n bissl busy und such nebenher immer ma wieder ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 06:32:00 GMT