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trick love the kids

About Me

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Dueling Dragons!
Jackie, aka Palmer during the season. Volleyball player for life :D. Blondie && 16 years young. Attending South Miami Senior High, class of 2008. Crazy/Beautiful is my favorite movie. I'm a lot more messed up in the head than you would think. I cut my own hair, and it usually comes out looking pretty stupid. I guess I like it that way. :]. Sitting at home with Val watching Reba while eating chinese food then going swimming is the best way to spend my day. Lost, House, and Scrubs are the best TV shows ever.
Shishcumba On MySpace
Shishcumba Outloud Article
I really hate people who complain about the smallest or most insignificant things, or don't appreciate everything they have to the fullest. It upsets me that humans assume they are entitled to what they want and when they want it. I have many friends, but only a handful of trusted ones. I love them dearly and they know exactly who they are. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life (mistakes, not regrets) and have learned from all of them. I like to have friends who don't judge me for all the stupid things I've done, and who won't bring up my mistakes and use them against me. Straightforward guys who don't play games are the best kind. Jackie, I love you so much I'm going to surprise you at work with flowers!

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