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Soy una maldita LOCA!!!,...Im in one word, CRAZY,..I love to hang out with my friends make people laugh, love making pranks and bad jokes, always can find and excuse for a party.~Pasenme el romo.... (pass on the drinks)Love to sing, read and write in my free time and can damn well belt a note.Born in Dominican Republic where i now live, raised proudly in the boogie down BRONX, NY with the two most important people in my life REY AND CHRIST, LOVE YOU GUYS.Currently a med student at PUCMM santiago, hope to graduate 2008. :-)I enjoy every day of my life as if it were the last and i don't believe in doing something that you can regret ...

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I can appreciate all types of music but what i love to listen to when i want to relax from the stress of working in a hospital is Jazz & Clasical.Now at the party zone give me some reggueton, house, salsa and merengue to dance to and we are set.Some of my fav. artists: Dianna Krall, Norah Jones,... cristina aguilera, gloria estefan,...Gilberto santa rosa, victor manuel, la india,....residente calle 13, etc..


Most favorite: PRETTY WOMAN, Otoo en nueva york, Titanic (sorry i couldn't help it), serendipity, Hitch, meet the parents & meet the fockers, american pie and (roadtrip & boat trip) i got a kick out of those two.i am always inclined to chick flicks and comedy.


novelas, 24 (i gotta love jack bauer), bones, friends (i still watch the reruns), the simpsons & futurama. Of course the discovery cannel and TLC.


Favorite Contemp. authers: Julia Alvarez, Paulo Cohelo, Dan Brown, Alisa Valdez-Rodriguez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Daniel Steel,Others: Me, Myself, & i,; i currently find myself writing my own book, which i hope to release in the near future.


There is no greater hero than yourself,... if you believe in yourself you are the hero.

My Blog

Saludos desde la ciudad corazon

Amigos me encuentro en Santiago la ciudad corazon llena de gran entusiasmo y grandes aventuras esta ciudad les ofrece ubicarse justo en el centro de la Republica Dominicana para poder desde ...
Posted by Odilis on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:03:00 PST