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What does it mean, 'exact change'?

About Me

"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others. " - my new headline won't fit in the paultry space alloted by Myspace (ironic, eh?)
I was born a poor white child in East Texas, not too far from the Louisiana border. After moving to Dallas a few years later, I've matured into the poor white 30-something dude you see before you now. I guess the thing that impresses me most is how things have changed so much since I was a kid. Everyone growing up thinks "I'll never be one of those old dudes who says 'ya know sonny, back in my day...'". But here we are. When I was a kid, it was cool to drive around living out of a van with a dog named Boo and sing about it. Then it suddenly became achingly uncool. Then Sublime came along and did something totaly different - they drove around living out of a van with a dog named Loui and sang about it and suddenly it was cool again. Things that make you go "hmm". I will always miss lead-based-paint baby cribs, child toys with sharp projectiles and perfect-sized removable parts that fit snugly in a 2-year-old's throat, cars with no seat belts and worse brakes, children being able to stand up in the rear floorboard of a moving vehicle or the bed of a truck rolling down the highway at 70mph, Stretch Armstrong with his yummy toxic gooy filling, cereals with names like "Sugar coated honey dipped shugar smacks" and pouring a big bowl and adding even more sugar, racially insulting Saturday morning cartoons, and how many kids (before AC outlet covers were in vouge) started down the road of the scientific method by answering the age-old question "why does a butterknife blade look like it would fit perfectly in that electrical outlet". It's a wonder any of us are left to spread the gospel...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The guy who invented Beef Wellington. That cat was weird. Take steak and wrap it in what looks like biscuit dough. Hmm. Inventor of the remote control. High five! Stephen Spielberg, James Cameron, and Riddley Scott - excellent film makers all. James Beam (the original) - for making me forget many a memorable night. Bastard... :0) George Smith, for his excellent Scotch. Also making me forget many a memorable night. Wanker... :0) Tucker Max - for his wicked concoction "Tucker Death Mix". Everclear, Gatorade, and a dash of Red Bull. Haven't forgotten any times from that crap - it wires you up so much you stay wide awake. Excellent drink for the beach.

My Blog

I'm a nut

I'm a little coconut sittin' in a coconut tree Everybody laughs at me, and that is why I'm cracked, you see... I'm a nut....in a rut... I'm crazy Called myself on the telephone just to see if I was ho...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 19:51:00 GMT

The great fun that is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome (tm)

OK, so it's not actually trademarked, but I do have it.... My friend Tina can attest to the sudden, catastrophic loss of one of the major senses - she's been dealing with it for a year now. I suppose...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 12:15:00 GMT

Memorial Day weekend - the good, bad, and the ugly

OK, so Memorial Day weekend came recently, and for me that means one thing - CRYSTAL BEACH, BABY!  Dann, Tasha, and I trotted down to the beach after work on Friday - but first a few things I lea...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Jun 2005 15:35:00 GMT

Latest ramblings

OK - it seems every time I want to post a blog Myspace locks up or redirects me to an error page. If you're reading this it didn't happen this time! On with the show: After wrenching my ankle abo...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Apr 2005 17:33:00 GMT

Three weeks and counting....

OK, asshats are celebrating everywhere. It's been three weeks and my bike is STILL at the damned shop! In all fairness, the shop really isn't to blame - it's the manufacturer of the brakes (not Rale...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Mar 2005 13:23:00 GMT

First bike ride and other stuff

Mother nature can suck sometimes. Big donkey schlong, sometimes. As it happens, it rained almost all day Saturday, muddying up the trails. And with most of the trails here, if you get caught riding...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 22:29:00 GMT

Starting to get the swing of it again

Just got done with my third installment of my new workout routine - this time I went all the way, including ab workout - very nice. No more pain. Now just a nice pump. Ahhh.. And Kev got his mou...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Feb 2005 21:32:00 GMT

Damn - Curtain BUMPED last night!

For all of the people in the DFW area that weren't at Curtain Club last night - I pitty 'da fool. That place f'ing ROCKED. Frolic had one hell of a set - probably one of their best since their retur...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Jan 2005 16:27:00 GMT

Wow do I ache

And not for the usual reasons! I'm actually embarking on a rediscovery of my long lost physical fitness...something I am missing dearly. I used to lift weights 3 or more days a week and of course my...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Jan 2005 20:41:00 GMT

Things I discovered recently.....

I discovered the outlet in my wall in my apt that carries the house TV antenna signal. Oops. I also discovered that watching TV while chatting on MSN messenger requires looking over my right shoulde...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Jan 2005 20:08:00 GMT