Becca MacMahon Club - u love it? that's hot profile picture

Becca MacMahon Club - u love it? that's hot

I can't keep up my space AND Facebook, come to facebook everyone, come on, let's go!

About Me

This profile was edited with MySpaceGrill Editor

I Hug tramps
I am a token girl
The fingers nails have been renounced. I have boys nails,it makes my tummy do a cry, but one breakage was the final straw, it was RIGHT DOWN TO THE QUICK, a cautionary tale for those who think getting the iron out is a good idea
It's all about the mung beans baby
I have 2 flat tyres, this is seemingly permanent, so I'm just going to roll with it, or not as the case may be, it seems dear treacle is behaving like a petulant child

ginger cat hair belongs ON CATS and NOWHERE ELSE!!!!!

I can get half a packet of Haribo Star Mix in my mouth in one go (minus eggs of course) My mum says this is disgusting

I have a penchant for unusual hosiery esp.Japanese- upside down stockings are the flavour of the month baby!!

Petty coats are for winners

I am confident I am proficient at smothering flames out on my own scalp.

I am the person who has caught the scene you never wanted to be reminded of, ever, on camera

I am really good at gurning- especially for a girl allegedly

I get serious night terrors- which is a real shame for a 25 year old girl- over active imagination to the point of madness

Love is the most powerful force on Earth, I think love should be shared, and it can mend things which are broken so we mustn't be greedy with it- share the love everyone

Goonie love is the strongest- EVERYONE KNOWS THAT

During my time as a registered insomniac I had lots of time to come up with new theories about irrelevant things, none of these make sense now I can sleep again....sLEEEEEEEEEEEP

I think the widely documented disputes in the Celebrtiy Big Brother house could have been quickly and simply resolved with a good game of kabaddi

I quite like the feeling of a pulled muscle

I like to get involved with a bit of reiki- anyone with any ailments- come get some healing

I think the world shoud declare Sundays "National hug party day" I'd defo partake

I try not to regret things - I don't think that is any way to live, but sometimes they make me feel like a silly goose. I like that this happens. Better to feel like a pleb than nothing at all right?

Being left of the middle is ok as long as you aren't pretending

Exaggerating is different to pretending

If reincarnation actually happens- I would like to come back as a Koala in a petting zoo and I would like to be called "Ethel"

I often wonder how it is possible that ducks can be 100% better in every way than chicken while they are so closely related?

colonic irrigation is to be revered

I am good at sharing apparently

I rarely have any actual cash on me but I always plan to- saying that I have £9.56 in my sparkly purse right now

Over-truthful to the point of stupidity ,my mouth says things my brain unfortunately didn't have time to censor- often in the most innapropriate scenarios. I've stopped being embarressed by this.

Being upset makes me be sick

Unfortunate things happen to me all the time usually involving food/public transport/ avian creatures

I could win an award for being disorganised

I hate being misunderstood

I gravitate magentically towards facial hair, piercings, thumb rings and excessive tattoos and motorbikes

I would like to have someone else's brain just for a day- as long as I could have mine back and the other person didn't die with my brain in their head, and i could choose the person and they didn't take heroin intravenously

I would buy an eyeball cleaning instrument (like a tooth brush) if there was one to buy
I believe in Karmic energy

I love drinking wine and have an almost inhuman requirement for diet coke

I lack restraint but not self-discipline

I neither LOVE or HATE Marmite- I find it acceptable. THERE'S A BIG HOLE IN YOUR AD CAMPAIGN MARMITE!!!

I love people brushing my hair

I believe that ignorance breeds fear

I am 70% socially active / 30% reclusive

I used to be able to sleep for 18 hours in one stint if left unchecked- oh those days- I long for them again.... now it seems I can only sleep in other people's beds- I am a bed Nazi

My most over used word is "unacceptable"

I believe in magic and I will be sad and jealous if I find out that the fairies at the bottom of my garden reveal themselves to someone else before they come and hang out with me.

My Interests

Going out to play!!!! writing (anything), reading (everything)Adventures, not answering my phone, being hectic, exchanging random notions, cutting things up that I'm not allowed to snip, making contraversial statements, painting my nails RED, finding new tunes and playing them to death, meditation, meeting my dear friends for a good old chinwag and a nice glass of wine.....and then not getting home until the next day, riding ponies,teaching, KABADDI, Health,drinking Mike, reiki, philosophy, extreme hedonism, sunshine, running fast as I can accompanied by a most acceptable playlist, going missing,chirpsonators, drinking all night, a good old rant, getting smarter."Touch the Truck" apathy, experiments, drunken/ accidental texting,the goonies club-ALWAYS, Pinky and the Brain club, arranging my shoes in order of bestness, photo-shopping Kriss Akabusi's face onto people's bodies, trying to find my 3rd best turquoise shoe which has vanished forever, customising clothes, making terrible decisions, comparing war wounds, hung over mornings in excellent company, Chris Jago, being a social slut, thinking about puppies, laughing until it makes me cry, getting sent outside to think about what I've done and being afraid of birds.

I'd like to meet:

ANYONE WHO CAN TELL ME SUCCINTLY HOW BIRDS MAKE EGG SHELLS INSIDE THEIR OWN BODIES.........Lalitha has the answer- TICK!Anyone who agrees that it's natural to physically hide from eggs. Anyone who can distinguish between YOUR and YOU'RE, THERE and THEIR, and also any small animals which don't look permanently petrified (who can speak English or French), anyone else who would like to spit from the top of the Eiffel Tower,JOEY GRECO!!!!OF "CHEATERS" FAME- IF YOU KNOW WHO HE IS- GET IN TOUCH......and this cow, I'd like to meet this cow I was intimate with, another night lost to the Jose Cuervo. Thanks to Flora and her Photoshop magic for this psychedelic wonder. x xThis tells you everything you need to know.
Your IQ Is 186
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

Your General Knowledge is Beyond Comparison A Quick and Dirty IQ Test


Erykah Badu , Bonobo, thanks James!!! chillin!!!The Roots,4 hero - especially "The black gold of the sun" / "les fleurs", Maximo Park, Kasabian, NOT the Sugababes... I have also been loving the new Kaiser Chiefs album..Ruby Ruby Ruby RUBY!!! and listening to lots of Aim, Klaxons, Idlewild , The Gossip and Hot Chip....oh and for running- Rage Against the Machine, AC DC, and some old Ministry of Sound/ Hed Kandy nonsense


The Goonies naturallement, Japanese anime stuff, Howl's Moving Castle, Art house stuff, Lost in Translation, which is a cross between the two, French stuff,Truffaut- Nouvelle Vague type stuff, smart stuff, dark stuff, Fun stuff - i.e Team America World Police/ ANCHOR MAN!!!!.I can't watch scary or violent things because they make me do a sick. Literally.


I admit it, I like Skins, I also watch Hollyoaks (everyone needs to just come clean), Meercat Manor, Ray Mears Bushcraft, Topgear, America Chopper, Cheaters and Question Time..... (now I am awake for approximately 20 hours a day, this has become an interesting way to pass the time) I like Scrubs and documentaries about weird things. I also loved Planet Earth and can't wait for a new series.


I am currently reading "Black swan Green" by David Mitchell, I jsut read "this book will save your life" because it has donuts on the front, it is good though hey? I like to re-read classics sometimes, like Wuthering Heights Then intermittently I read contemporary fiction, such as A History Of Love The Time Travellers Wife Anything by Hakuri Marakami- The Wind Up Bird Chronicles is ACESometimes I read the back of my Evian Bottle which tells me about hydration. Evian is characterised by its "lightness and balanced composition"I want to read "5 people you meet in Heaven" but have still not got around to it.


I saw a man dressed in a business suit, presumably on his way to work stop next to a homeless person in a doorway, and crouched down next to him, and then took his hand and said "I'm taking you for breakfast, you're all cold" He is my hero forever. and this little lady
How to make a Becca MacMahon
2 parts deviance
2 parts humour
1 Part over analysis
1 Part Tequila
2 Parts diet coke
1 part red nail polish
Bundle into large grundon and hit vigorously with large lump of wood. Top it off with a sprinkle of random unacceptable thoughts and do a sick!

Personality cocktail

My Blog


It seems my career as a mechanic has come to an abrupt halt. Yesterday, I opted to drive to my lunch date, sensibly, giving myself a big pat on the back at attempting to remain compus mentus and sober...
Posted by The Becca MacMahon Club on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 10:12:00 PST

Respect my womb and hold that door open....please

I feel prompted to write this little summation on account of the many times my close friends and I have been asked over the last few days at this auspiscious time by our peers, family members, friends...
Posted by The Becca MacMahon Club on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 01:53:00 PST

Apparently this is very personal( repost as a bulletin- I couldn't stand the potential abuse!)

the Most Personal Quiz, ever.....Apparently ? Body: 1. Who were you with last night?Gay John (he's not gay, some of you know his as Johnfold)- at an acoustic punk night- in 4" heels and and a ballgown...
Posted by The Becca MacMahon Club on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 02:16:00 PST

"I can't get no sleeeeeeep"

Last night, there was no sleep to be enjoyed. Again. None. The most frustrating thing ever. Counting sheep/furbies/wombles was offering no merit, an hour in the tub couldn't release me from the concio...
Posted by The Becca MacMahon Club on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:14:00 PST

Not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin....

Now, whoever went to the advanced effort of hand delivering me the newpaper clipping yesterday, of the tiny piglet, climbing up the pint glass, little trotters trying to grip the rim, and possibly als...
Posted by The Becca MacMahon Club on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:51:00 PST

Random warblings...time to spring clean the profile

Act like the lady, flirt like the girl, love like the woman and laugh like the boy (because they laugh at more funny stuff than girls normally- like people getting run over by combine harvesters- and ...
Posted by The Becca MacMahon Club on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 07:25:00 PST

Ode to the Goonies.

"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow" Aesop Last night I experienced a single and pivotal moment of clarity. I am fortunate beyond comparison to be sharing...
Posted by The Becca MacMahon Club on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 10:20:00 PST

Some things about me- you may have already read this with your eyes.

Often I think innapropriate things in my head and sometimes if I can't say them I get sidetracked and slightly "Becca's-world". I think about how ridiculous it is that people, as a species, drive car...
Posted by The Becca MacMahon Club on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 07:07:00 PST

Meditate on this.

Today I am mostly wondering what it would be like to have a wildly impoverished mind. I'm talking possibly an i.q of approximately 70, and the ability to be satisfied with eating baked beans on t...
Posted by The Becca MacMahon Club on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 10:01:00 PST

The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.

This lady is super smart and we can all learn a lot from her. This is exactly the way we should treat each other. Friends, lovers, countrymen, and pets. Embrace the sentiment.  It's your duty. X ...
Posted by The Becca MacMahon Club on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:00:00 PST