J Steele born (Joshua A Steele) was born in Ft.Worth , Tx Oct. 20. 1989.... After birth his family moved to the Streets of Grand Prairie (GP) Tx, Where he baby sitted by his aunt in Dalworth... Downbottom 17th st. As a child he would go to the Truman and Charley Taylor Recreation centers when his mother would go to work and wasn't able to watch him and his brother! After he turned 8 he moved to Trailwood (southside of GP) with his parents and is currently living there today. Hopping off the porch at an very early age he would hang in the streets getting into trouble with his older brother, until he reached the age of 13 where he found a passion for music! J Steele was apart of 3 indie labels before he founded his own label Steady Ballin Entertainment. He has upheld his company going on 2 years and has dropped 3 projects, On a paper chase vol. 1&2 and his most recent project with his label family (Da SBE Click) "Tha Hottest In Tha Streetz" Da Mixtape which is hosted by K104's own UB Rodriguez! He has produced all of the tracks coming out of his camp! He is a up coming artist that will blow the rap game out of the water!