sewing, animals, latenight hangouts, chatting, and tall thick and sexy guys
S Skillful
H Haunting
A Ambivalent
E Energetic
N Naughty
A Astounding
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
Which one of your friends:
Is the funniest: Big Frances
Is the smartest: not too sure of that
Is the most blonde: i think ashley is the most blonde
Can you trust with anything: Teombre
Is the most athletic: Quincy
Has the best smile: im not sure...i think i have the best smile (lol)
Has the best hair: my sister. her hair is all the way down her back. i wish my hair would grow back that long
Can sing the best: i dont think any one my friends sing
Whos your best friend of the opposite sex? im not sure used to be adrian...but now its a different variety
Has the most classes with you: Verline
Is the most daring: uh...i guess ill say triesa
Changes crushes as much as underwear: that'll definately have to be TEOMBRE, whos had many many many many, such as lukell, shakeem, marcel, paul, bradly, isaiha, robert, and that red boi we met who graduated last year and many
Has had the longest relationship: marcus and tyana
Is the most emotional: maybe teombre
Is the richest: im not sure
Is the most obsessive: i'd say me...but not over no one right now
Is the girliest: aint me i kno that
Likes cottage cheese: i have the slightest clue
Has the funniest laugh: uh...triesa
Knows the most music: lukell
Has the nicest room: i dont know...but i gotta cute room
Is the most popular: i dont know...there's quite few of them
Is most likely to get married soon: relindis
Has the most common name: jessica
Has the most uncommon name: D.J
Has the best clothes: teombre
Knows EVERYTHING about you: im not sure...its alot of em
Is easiest to talk to: my mom
Is easiest to be weird around: teombre
Aaliyah, r kelly, cassie, rhianna, and DWAYNE WADE,the rock and Steve Irwin. (R.I.P) I also wanna meet all my hommies i aint seen or heard from in decades.2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe Click here to make Falling Objects 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe 2 hOt 2 HaNdLe
R&b and old school hip hopTake the quiz:
WhOs YoUr CeLeB tWiN ? ? ? (wItH pIcS) FoR gUys And GirLs !!!
Beyonce Knowles
Your Twin is Beyonce Knowles!!!! You are sexy fun and classy. When it comes to popularity you are the gal. You have many talents and when it comes to dancing no one can beat you. You have guys lined up around the block and you know it. Your personality is head over heels. Just watch out you might make people fall crazy in love
* Titanic * whats love got to do with it * waiting to exhale * love and basketball * the wizard of oz
* one on one * girlfriends * The ghost whisperer *Bet * cartoons* animal planet * americas next top model * fresh prince of bel air * full house
I dont read books unless its zane or other books that involve love love layout @ HOT music / movies
no one other than my mom!!