evolving... learning... creating heaven on earth...producing ritual theater performances, videos, epic community gatherings ...creating portals to aid the awakening of YOUR higher self.
folks to create beauty with... to tell new stories... what do we want to see in this future world of OURS? let's dream it up together and share it with the masses! yo!
Music Video I produced for Random Rab's "Riddle"... Directed by Mariano Diaz; Cinematography by Dugan O'Neal. First minute is silent!
"The caterpillar, at a certain point in its life cycle, becomes a voracious, over-consumptive glutton, consuming everything in sight and within reach. At this point in its evolution it can eat hundreds of times its own weight, and the more it consumes the more fat and sluggish it gets. At that same moment of developmental excess, inside the caterpillar, the imaginal cells begin to stir. Imaginal cells are specialized cells, and in the minority, but when they connect with each other they become the genetic directors of the metamorphosis of the caterpillar. At some point in the process in the caterpillar's feeding-frenzy stage, the imaginal cells usher in the process in which the over-consumptive caterpillar becomes the "nutritive soup" out of which the imaginal cells create the miracle of the butterfly." Elizabeth Sahtouris, evolutionary biologist"This metaphor gives us a way to see the world as it is... This is the time to hold the vision of ourselves as imagincal cells and to focus on seeing our role in the transformation that is occuring...How can we assist in the miracle of the butterfly's birth in our time? We are the midwives of the birthing of a new consciousness... We may be in the minority, but when we join together as the imagincal cells of the collective mindfield, we will connect with each other as the genetic directors of the metamorphis." Ariel Spilsbury, 13 Moon OracleLet us focus on creating a successful delivery of the new world!