♥OMG iiTS Chantel♥ profile picture

♥OMG iiTS Chantel♥

ThE gIrL tHaT tHeY uSeD kNoW dOnE *cHaNgEd*

About Me

*WhAt YoU lOoKiN At?* You all a bunch of [FuCkIn AsShOlEs]. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, ["ThAtS tHe BaD gUy"] So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. . So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The [LaSt TiMe] you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. [ThErEs A bAd GuY cOmIn ThRoUgH!] *BeTtEr gEt OuT oF hEr Way!*
<...::I WaNt WhAtS cOmInG tO mE...ThE wOlRd & EvErYtHiNg In It::...>
[.::I gOt A sTrIpPeR's MeNtAlLiTy...MoNeY's ThE oNlY tHiNg ThAt MaKeS mE mOvE::.]
So ThIs Is Me...*I'm ChAnTeL*...[No ReGrEtS, OnLy KaRmA] that's what i believe everything always comes back around. I'm 19 years old...I'm really SHY so if i dont talk to you it's not cuz Im StUcK Up but just ScArEd&NeRvOuS and I dont talk alot but that's cuz I'm not the type to just say a whole lot of nothing so when I speak TrUsT iT mEaNs SuMtHiNg...I'm a really chill person but I'm really random too I just like letting shyt happen the way its suppose to...I get along wit mostly everyone unless you don't like me for wateva reason...[I hAtE dRaMa]...I'm really girly but i *LuV* football and baseball...[OhIo StAtE,GiAnTs,PaTrIoTs,YaNkEeS]...I'm a ...I take picture of everything and anything I luv it,If i can walk around with a camera and take picuters of everything I do I would =] *fRiEnDs ArE tHe OnLy FaMiLy YoU cAn ChOoSe*...and I think I've choosing the best family possible I [lUv&AdOrE] my friends, their my world and I would do anything for them...I have 2 idols *JeNnA jAmEsOn&MaRiLyN MoNrOe*, I have my reason for looking up to them and it's not for the reasons most people think .*i know im not perfect... [no where near it]... and i have come to except the fact that some people won't like me...but this is my life and the way i choose to live it [ like it or not ] im very satisfied*
Make an online slide show at onetruemedia.com

My Interests

ThIs ShYt RiGhT hErE

I'd like to meet:

TrOy SmItH
TyRa BaNkS
AnD sUm OtHeR PpL


50 CeNt
DaDdY yAnKeE
HaWtHrOnE hEiGhTs
ThE fRaY
oK gO
30 SeCoNdS tO mArS
ChRiStinA aGuIlErA
DaNiTy KaNe
KaYnE wEsT
My ChEmIcIaL rOmAnCe
LotS lOtS mOrE


MeAn GiRlS
WeDdInG cRaShErS
40 YeAr OlD vIrGiN
StEwIe: ThE uNtOlD sToRy
SiLeNt HiLl
TeXaS cHaInSaW
HoUsE oF wAx
ThE bReAkFaSt ClUb
ShE's AlL tHaT
10 ThInGs I hAtE aBoUt YoU
SaVe ThE lAsT dAnCe


OnE tReE hIlL
GiLmOrE gIrLs
ThE oC
tHe ReAl WoRlD
FaMiLy GuY
ThE bOoNdOcKs
LaW n OrDeR
VeRoNiCa MaRs
LaGuNa BeAcH
PrOjEcT rUnWaY
AmErIcAs NeXt tOP mOdEl


AnGeLs n DeMoNs
ThE dA vInCi CoDe
HoW tO mAkE lOvE liKe A PoRnStAr
LiTtLe BlAcK gIrL lOsT
CoLdEsT wInTeR eVeR


My MoMmY I LuV MoRe ThAn AnYtHiNg, My BiG BrOtHer ChRiS CmC 4 LyFe, My GrAnDmA WhO As GiVeN Me EvErYtHinG, AnD AlL My FrIeNdS LuV YoU GuYs

My Blog

FiX oF mE

Paralyzed by pleasure That's what you become from one breath in my presence A feeling such as this is something only the strongest of drugs gives And me my dear are just that drug Like an addict wait...
Posted by [:.ThE pRoBlEm HeRe Is YoU.:] on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:28:00 PST

My Pain...Can You feel it

The PaIn that once just HaUnTeD my DrEaMs is now CrEePiN into my ReAlItY...I'm starting to even ScArE mY sElF NOW...
Posted by [:.ThE pRoBlEm HeRe Is YoU.:] on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 10:00:00 PST

The glass house

The girl in the glass house... everybody thought she had it all then again they good only see in The girl in the glass house... all alone yet surrounded but so many how can this burden stay with ...
Posted by [:.ThE pRoBlEm HeRe Is YoU.:] on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:54:00 PST

All I want is him

he was her drug addicted to him, she would stay days after he left she was still paralyzed from his touch all her senses were taking over he was a part of her now she could only see him she could...
Posted by [:.ThE pRoBlEm HeRe Is YoU.:] on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 08:30:00 PST


Hey all you boys dont talk about your ex to your new girl very bad idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by [:.ThE pRoBlEm HeRe Is YoU.:] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

WhY Is VAlEnTiNe'S dAy CeLeBrAtEd

Yeah so I got rejected twice and it made me think why is this day celebrated when it is the day that St. Valentine was beheaded so why are we walking around with hearts shaped balloons that say i love...
Posted by [:.ThE pRoBlEm HeRe Is YoU.:] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I nEeD sOmEoNe To LoVe Me

Yeah so I never posted one of this things before and its like 1:45 in the morning rigth now so i justed decided to go for it I need hellp from you guys I want someone to be my valetine but dont kn...
Posted by [:.ThE pRoBlEm HeRe Is YoU.:] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST