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I am here for Friends

About Me

What can I say about me? Well I am a happily married father of the two coolest little boys you will ever meet. I used to party with the best of them but now I am content being a home body and spending my time with my family. If you have read the rest of my profile you already know that I love Hip Hop and Jazz, jungle, House, 90s rock, and a couple other select musical choices. I am also real big into video games and comic book.( I know what you are thinking " this guy is still a kid" and you are right,oh well) I like a good movie now and then, and enjoy spending time with good friends. Life is good and I wish the same to all who read this, so stop by and have a word or 2 with me. OH YEAH , and Lisa, I LOVE YOU!!!Artistic MySpace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Timothy Leary, Stepen Hawking, Robert Anton Wilson,Tim Burton, Stanley Kubrick, Bob Marley, Hayao Miyazaki, Hideo Kojima,Mr T,Chuck Norris, Your Mom, Cookie Monster and of course Voltron

My Blog

Personality test

My Personality Neuroticism19Extraversion98Openness To Experience80Agreeableness54Conscientiousness61 Test Yourself Compare Yourself View Full ReportFind your soulmate / pysch twinMySpace Layouts, MyS...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:01:00 GMT


A friend posted this and I felt it was worth saving in a blog for all to read. Thanks KOY Remember, conscious thought is a powerful force; it ripples into realities beyond your preceptual awareness, a...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:39:00 GMT

Local Hip Hop... NACIREMA

For all of you how do not know Nacirema ( 1/2 of 245 trioxn) He is by far the sickest MC to come out of Louisville. Anyone who knows me well can tell you I love hip hop, and this guy is the cream of t...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 21:03:00 GMT