bikes, drums, Boy Scouts, spirituality, D.I.Y. mentality, ICEEs, backpacking, hypocrisy, napping, etc.
Sometimes, I prefer silence.
Star Wars, Matrix Trilogy, Clockwork Orange, Pulp Fiction, I Heart Huckabees, Good Morning Vietnam, Primer, Blues Brothers, Big Lebowski, Trainspotting, The Wall, Seven Years in Tibet, Snatch, Fight Club, Wayne's World, Black Snake Moan, Titan AE, Three Kings, the list goes on.
As little as possible.
war is peace, freedom is slavery,ignorance is strength
Tom Joad, Tyler Durden, Bill Hicks, Dr. King, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mouse (a digital pimp hard at work), The Dude, TooL, Evan, James Brown, Arthur C. Clarke, R2-D2, Jake and Elwood, Neil Peart, and these guys.