Heyy, My name is Cool Whip but my friends and family call me Tubby.I am about 14.2 hh tall (I think). I look white wen you first see me but I am really an Appoloosa in disguise...hehe...I'm not a full app though. Please don't call me an albino because they have red eyes I have brown. I love treats. I am a VERY cute mover lol...I love to be cuddled and loved. I enjoy showing in short stirrup or children's eq./hunters...whatever is about 2'-2'3".I can do 2'6" but not all the time.I have competed at the Hampton Classic (and many other shows) the past 2 years and placed both times (5th, 3rd, 3rd, 9th outta 30-35 ppl)....I have always wanted to compete in the Marshall and Sterling. I live at a wonderful backyard barn now with big green pastures and a huge huge stall. Sammi still owns me but 2 little kids are learning to ride on me now. I'm living the life!
My Interests
I like going on long trail rides and going to lots of shows...only if I have the right rider though