Joni profile picture


Life is magical. And you never know when that rabbit's going to appear. Even though, sometimes, he c

About Me

I love the city, but I live in the 'burbs. I get grumpy when I don't get my city fix.

I live in stilettos. Some people wonder how I walk in them. I wonder how they don't.

What the hell did I do before Netflix?

I wish I didn't need to sleep. I love it, but it seems like such a colossal waste of time. I have too much shit I want to do.

I love my friends. They are my rock. And roll.

Oh, and books. Pfff...where would I be without books?

My Interests

Music, movies, reading, cute rocker boys, designing, decorating, art, cute rocker boys, cooking, wine, writing, did I mention cute rocker boys?

I'd like to meet:

My friends know...


There's not enough room here.




Recent faves:

Currently Rereading:


My former boss, my mentor and my friend, who I lost to lymphoma in December 2004. He showed me how to be a better person. I will miss him always.