SN0RLAXXX: terace...
piratexqueen: yeS?
piratexqueen: who are you?
SN0RLAXXX: its ryan =]
piratexqueen: ryan?
piratexqueen: ryan who?
SN0RLAXXX: ryan WHO!?!?!
SN0RLAXXX: name ur favorite
anfernymikal: gay ryan? bitch ass ryan? tennis ryan? ugly ryan?
anfernymikal: which one
piratexqueen: XD
anfernymikal: ahhaahaha
anfernymikal: oh wait - nerdy ryan?
SN0RLAXXX: which is which?
piratexqueen: haha!!!
anfernymikal: well if youre one of them, you would know!
anfernymikal: sexbot, i think we just found dumb ass ryan!
piratexqueen: OMG!!!
SN0RLAXXX: i hope youre joking
anfernymikal: hahahahahaha
Dear Terace,
Let me fall in love with the little things about you that arent perfect, because baby, those are what truely make you beautiful.
Dear friends;
I want to be loved like it was the end of the world by someone who I do not deserve, I want to be loved like he choose to spend the end of our lives with me and only me, it means so much with so little effort, I want him to know that I want to spend all of eternity with him, and I want him to take me as I am, trust me, do not lie to my face, and be there for me. I want butterflies and kisses, hugs so big I can still feel them even when hes gone. I want tickle fights and pillow fights. I wont someone who wont be afraid to rough me up a little bit. I want someone who wont be sad when I beat them in videogames and at other things. I want someone who will kiss me in the rain, and carry me over a puddle, or throw me in it. Someone who wont be afraid to scoop me up and public and tell me "I love you" before kissing me like we were posing for some magazine ad. Someone who calls me beautiful even though I look like shit. I want someone who appreaciates me for me and takes me for what I am, who doesnt try to change me. I'm real.
"So, you wanna know what I want? I want to finish someone's sentences. I want to believe in someone, in something, in a future...I want to make someone a better person. I want to be a good example...I want someone who stimulates my brain as much as my body. I want to taste everything and go everywhere. I want to give and I want to get. I want too much and I want it all in one person.
Lets Start Fresh.