[TyrannosaurusTerace]â„¢ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

'It's like my hearts is on password protect WiFi, and only you know the code.."
I Want this, Please and Thank you..
I going to live everyday for me...like it was my last.
Im going to fall back in love with Nature.
Im going to fall back in love with me.
Im going to fall in love with whatever I want.
Im going to be that little kid I used to be again.
I am strong.
Lets be strong together.
And fall in love with each other.
Live for the now.
And never forget the good.
I promise
Im TeraceAriana,
Im on a mission to find myself.
Im the girl you will never forget.
The Girl you will never be able to let go.
I should come with my own warning label.
Dont judge me on my lifestyle.
Yes, The hurts gone away a little.
I need my friends.
AnfernyMichaelMazzio, ChristineCampbell are my best friends and no one will ever replace that.
I am left handed.
I am a Christian.
I am afraid of Love.
I play piano & sing.
I'm training to be a Jazz Singer.
I hate liars.
I hate being ignored.
I love surprises.
I love gigantic hugs.
Eskimo Kisses are my Favorite.
Skivvie Parties are a blast.
I am a writer, and my words paint masterpieces.
I live to love.
I love to live.
I live for the now.
I AM meant for bigger things.
I am a hopeless romantic.
I wish upon stars.
Im trying to be a whole new person.
I have feelings too.
Let go of the past and get to know the new me.
I do not like who I am.
Im 5'7'' 125lbs.
Im not vain, just confident.
I Model and I love it.
Im honest and I tell it how it is.
I was born to make people smile and laugh.
I belong on stage.
I have no regrets.
Im learning from my mistakes.
I have a hard time letting people in.
And once they're in, I have a hard time letting go.
I hate when people tailgate.
I am a speed demon and I occasionally brake check.
My road rage is quite entertaining.
I can handle a car.
Dont try to tell me I can not because I have a vagina.
I've kissed the roof of my mini more than I've kissed anything else.
Im real, as real as the air you breathe and the water you drink.
New or Old...
This is me.
Take me for who I am.
Im not changing for anyone.
Im on the edge ready to jump.
Whose at the bottom ready to catch me?
I want to be a star, in the sky.
I want to be the star that the little kid picks out sky to call their own.
I want to be the star thats noticed.
I want to be the star that people reconize.
I want to be apart of something bigger than I am.
Maybe apart of a constilation.
"I wish i had your pair of wings"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

SN0RLAXXX: terace...
piratexqueen: yeS?
piratexqueen: who are you?
SN0RLAXXX: its ryan =]
piratexqueen: ryan?
piratexqueen: ryan who?
SN0RLAXXX: ryan WHO!?!?!
SN0RLAXXX: name ur favorite
anfernymikal: gay ryan? bitch ass ryan? tennis ryan? ugly ryan?
anfernymikal: which one
piratexqueen: XD
anfernymikal: ahhaahaha
anfernymikal: oh wait - nerdy ryan?
SN0RLAXXX: which is which?
piratexqueen: haha!!!
anfernymikal: well if youre one of them, you would know!
anfernymikal: sexbot, i think we just found dumb ass ryan!
piratexqueen: OMG!!!
SN0RLAXXX: i hope youre joking
anfernymikal: hahahahahaha

Dear Terace, Let me fall in love with the little things about you that arent perfect, because baby, those are what truely make you beautiful.

Dear friends;

I want to be loved like it was the end of the world by someone who I do not deserve, I want to be loved like he choose to spend the end of our lives with me and only me, it means so much with so little effort, I want him to know that I want to spend all of eternity with him, and I want him to take me as I am, trust me, do not lie to my face, and be there for me. I want butterflies and kisses, hugs so big I can still feel them even when hes gone. I want tickle fights and pillow fights. I wont someone who wont be afraid to rough me up a little bit. I want someone who wont be sad when I beat them in videogames and at other things. I want someone who will kiss me in the rain, and carry me over a puddle, or throw me in it. Someone who wont be afraid to scoop me up and public and tell me "I love you" before kissing me like we were posing for some magazine ad. Someone who calls me beautiful even though I look like shit. I want someone who appreaciates me for me and takes me for what I am, who doesnt try to change me. I'm real.

"So, you wanna know what I want? I want to finish someone's sentences. I want to believe in someone, in something, in a future...I want to make someone a better person. I want to be a good example...I want someone who stimulates my brain as much as my body. I want to taste everything and go everywhere. I want to give and I want to get. I want too much and I want it all in one person. "

Lets Start Fresh.

My Blog

A beautiful mind

We think about the whole, "I avoid you, you avoid me" thing as a way to get over it, when in reality it's just causing us to think about it more. We dwell on the things in life we disapprove of - and ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 23:58:00 GMT

fuck shit

And fuck the people who claim they love you for who you are, but are just there to fuck you in the ass about it later when they ask you to change every little thing about yourself that ever made you y...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 20:45:00 GMT

The Best of the Best of Zoolander.

Boring Day.  Mugatu: They're break-dance fighting. ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------Derek Zoolander: I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 18:16:00 GMT

Alex Pardee

I was reading one of my friends artsy magazines a while ago, and the work flowing from page to page was simply incredible. It reaked of abnormal perspective which just tickled my grion, lite...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 21:00:00 GMT

What are we doing with out lives?

Are you using this site to keep in touch with family and friends? Why not call, email or visit them instead. It's almost like we choose to talk to our friends through myspace (especially with comments...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:01:00 GMT

50 things girls with guys knew..

50 Things Girls Wish Guys Knew..1. dont tell us when you think other girls are hot.2. whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.3. if you dont act like soap-opera guys,...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:44:00 GMT

New Glasses..[thought]

...So, I went today to get new glasses. Well, I do have contacts but I needed the glasses so I can see if there is a "malfunction" with my contacts. I generally think like I look like a total and comp...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 19:19:00 GMT

You know you're italian if...

You Know You're Italian If... 1. You have many relatives named either Joe or Mary, and you have at least one brother named Joe 2. You grew up in a small house, but you still had two kitchens. (One was...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 16:42:00 GMT

A Tale of Two Knights

Written by me =D Enjoy I gotta B+ on this bad boy!!   Two brave knights who fought long and hard for their success and position in society; this is their story. Arii and Novella, living inside ...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 15:35:00 GMT

Fun lil quiz I made up.

Guess whos really bored!!! ...I'm really bored, so I made 5 questions for people because I'm also curious...and bored..like woah. Let's say I was an inch tall, and in your room. I can't die from being...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 20:40:00 GMT