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Friends of Krishnamurti

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"J Krishnamurti discussing with renowned quantum physicist David Bohm Ph.D - Brockwood Park, England - 1983"
"Society can only be changed if human beings who have created it change themselves."
"A 6 min Introduction to Krishnamuriti."
Jiddu Krishnamurti (b. May 12, 1895, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India, d. February 18, 1986, Ojai, California)
"The free mind never asks how, but is always discovering, moving, living."
Krishnamurti spent his adult life speaking to people around the world on the eternal questions of life. One could say he was a philosopher in the original sense of the word, not an academic or intellectual, but a lover of truth. But who Krishnamurti was is probably not as important as what Krishnamurti said, or rather the exploration we can take through the words he has left:
"I think it is important to understand that freedom is at the beginning and not at the end. We think freedom is something to be achieved, that liberation is an ideal state of mind to be gradually attained through time, through various practices; but to me, this is a totally wrong approach. Freedom is not to be achieved; liberation is not a thing to be gained. Freedom, or liberation, is that state of mind which is essential for the discovery of any truth, any reality; therefore, it cannot be an ideal; it must exist right from the beginning. Without freedom at the beginning, there can be no moments of direct understanding because all thinking is then limited, conditioned. If your mind is tethered to any conclusion, to any experience, to any form of knowledge or belief, it is not free; and such a mind cannot possibly perceive what is truth."
Krishnamurti raises questions such as:
"What is it that we are seeking? And can a mind that is seeking ever find something beyond time, beyond its own projections?"
"Is there such a thing as the absolute, the immeasurable, and is there any relation between that immensity and our everyday living?"
"Is there freedom in thinking, or is all thought limited?"

Krishnamurti challenges us to approach these questions in a way that defies traditional roles of teacher and student. He does not see himself as someone dispensing knowledge or ideas to be collected, and asks the reader to find a relationship in which there is no following of an authority, only discovery:

"I do not believe that there is any teaching; there is only learning, and this is very important to understand. When the individual who is listening regards the speaker as one who is teaching him something, such an attitude creates and maintains the division of the pupil and the master, of the one who knows and the one who does not know. But there is only learning, and I think it is very important from the very beginning to understand this and to establish the right relationship between us. The man who says he knows does not know; the man who says he has attained liberation has not realized. If you think you are going to learn something from me which I know and you do not know, then you become a followerand he who follows will never find out what is truth. That is why it is very important for you to understand this."

More of Krishnamurti's works, including quotes and audio and video streams are available at There are foundations with libraries, retreats and study centers in India, England, Spain and California.
Some of his popular books are: Commentaries On Living, The Awakening Of Intelligence, The First And Last Freedom, Think On These Things, The Ending Of Time, Krishnamurti on Education and Krishnamurti`s Notebook.

This site is intended to make available the teachings of Krishnamurti to Myspace users.
All rights to text on this website are reserved by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America and Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. For permission for extracts and quotes, please contact with details of the quote and how it is to be used.

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There is no path to truth, it must come to you.

August 1st 2006[archive]"There is no path to truth, it must come to you. Truth can come to you only when your mind and heart are simple, clear, and there is love in your heart; not if your heart is fi...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 15:07:00 GMT

Fifth of six talks at the New School for Social Research. New York - October 5th 1966

New York - October 5th 1966Fifth of six talks at the New School for Social Research. (Audio selection begins at 18'15 of original due to interruptions.)[edited transcript begins at 18'15 of audio reco...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 08:17:00 GMT

Talks and Dialogues Feb 18, 1974 San Diego, California

2nd of 18 conversations between Krishnamurti and Prof. Allan Anderson, professor of Religious Studies.[Narrator introduction]Anderson: Mr Krishnamurti, in our previous conversation I was extremely del...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 19:27:00 GMT

"We talk about peace, and prepare for war."

September 12th 2006"I do not know if it is clear to each one of us that we live in a state of contradiction. We talk about peace, and prepare for war. We talk about nonviolence, and are fundamentally ...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 13:00:00 GMT