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I am here for Friends

About Me known as lanky, my real names james but no one calls me that. its all gud. Lanky is into sports, music, friends...............lanky is bad at first impressions, as one michi would bad...and lanky lo ves these bands! snow patrol, muse, green day etc.....what more can you say? i go to youth group, enjoy the company of people there (you know who you are) i also go to school at mas, enjoy the company of people there (you know who you are) and i go to oztag and enjoy the company of people there (you know who you are)Lanky enjoys speaking in third person. lanky reminds people of those giant inflatable people you usually see at car sales. and lanky has some strange obsessions. like sticky farting goo. lol. enjoy my space.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

anyone. but particuarly, knights players again, all the favourite bands and whatnot.

My Blog

Lanky's Lane: August

Welcome viewers! To the Lane fior another month, in a finely freezing August. What a time to decide to post this blog, lying in bed deathly ill, while everyone else is having fun trekking the perimetr...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 19:46:00 GMT

Lanky’s Lane: March, April, May, June, and NOW JULY!!!

Now before i launch into a brand new excuse making marathon of my reasoning for ditching the lane for no less then 4 months (!) i shall tell the story of a young deprived female, looking for acceptanc...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 03:14:00 GMT

Lankys Lane: February

Welcome to issue number 2 of Lanky's Lane! Yes, unbelievable, but the Lane has made it to the extra-special sequel, unlike other disasters such as "The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride", "Men In Black II" a...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 01:10:00 GMT

Lanky’s Lane, January 08

Before we get into the first blog of '08, can I just wish everyone a happy holidays. Hopefully it was full of good times, sunny beaches and most importantly, awesome presents. To kick things off I'll ...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 22:45:00 GMT

Lanky’s Lane "Advert" ’08

Join in the fun!! The monthly blog coming in 2008 where articles delve deep into the deep subjects of music, telly, magazines, world issues, and everything in between. Its an open subscription thingy,...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 01:06:00 GMT

30 seconds to mars gig

hey everyone! how are we? ill get straight into it... last night me, tom,dixon and oscar went to the 30 seconds to mars gig at the hordern pavillion...a few interesting moments, especially seeing they...
Posted by on Fri, 04 May 2007 23:18:00 GMT


OMG back from snow patrol it was so amazingly good! they played these songs...(i tried to keep em in order but they arnt) Spitting Games Wow Chocolate It's Beginning To Get To Me How To...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 20:49:00 GMT

The English Cricket Team

This is a lovely little quote, you'll find this in Saturdays edition of the Fitz Files. 'Simon Barnes, in The Times on the phoenix-like rise of England from the Ashes into the finals of the one-day co...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 00:48:00 GMT

Doppelgangers....or is it dopplergangers?

whichever way u look at it, dopplergangers is around is such a secretive and exclusive club that no1 can join unless they pass the unknown test....u mite just happen 2 stumble upon the answer ...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 21:33:00 GMT


ello everyone! yes this is all sorta new...if any1 can be bothered to read this then...ITS SWELL!! yeh...well anyway ill cut straight to the chase...ITS HOLIDAYS!! and do you know wat that means? HOLI...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 22:54:00 GMT