Star Wars, Dark Shadows, Dancing, Singing, Games, FInal Fantasy, Boys, Boys, And oh yeah, Boys!!! Wait a sec... what am i talking bout boys? I LIKE MEN!
Friends!!! i need some more. not that i dont love the ones i have now. i just feel you can never have too many of them. im not really looking for anything more then that but it comes i wont fight it.maybe someone like me if possable.AOL instant messenger: Barnabus1987
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------I Love (dont laugh at me) Britney,(why are you laughing at me?) Christina, And Evanescence. (sop laughing at me!)
Toxic by Britney Spears
"It's getting late
To give you up
I took a sip
From my devil cup
It's taking over me "Ah, what's a year without breaking a few hearts? Literally.
What 2004 Hit Song Are You?
Get this video and more at MySpace.comok... i am a huge Star Wars fan. i also like Interview with a Vampier, Finding Nemo, Cinderella, Beauty & The Beast, The Little Mermaid, Scream, Halloween, Nightmare On Elm Street, and of course.... Ever After.
I know...im a whimp.
i am a big soap fan. i love All My Childern and Dark Shadows. but i also love reallity TV... The Real World, The Swan, Extream Make Over: Home Edition, and any surgery show on TLC..lol. I also like Point Pleasent.
i love to read. any young adult horror or romance book will do. Cheerleader by Jhon Hall, My Worst Date by David Leddick, And Of Couse The Joy Of Gay Sex, along with the XY Survival Guides 1&2
Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero Name Butt-Man
Super Power Ghetto Booty
Enemy Clear Channel
Mode Of Transportation Giant Hamster Named Skippy
Weapon Condoms
Quiz created with MemeGen !LOL... one of my hero's is my Dog Layla. she was a pug. she died in october of 2003. but just because she is dead, dont mean she isn't very much there. i hear her barking and feel her in the room with me at night. and every now and then.... i see her. she is my hero cause even tho she is dead she still does what she has to to watch over me. and i love her for that...AND OF COURSE.... MARGARET CHO!!!!