I am very excited! THE OASIS - the new name for the Grayslake Youth Center - is open!
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I'm a workaholic and volunteer-a-holic. I have a fabulous husband and amazing kids. I learned long ago that your attitude dictates the quality of your life and I am very blessed.I try to live my life by the FISH Philosophy: Be There, Play, Make Someone's Day and Choose Your Attitude.When the last of our kids decided to join the Navy, we decided Grayslake needed a youth center and the Grayslake Youth Center NFP, Inc was born. Through the efforts of numerous community volunteers, including hundreds of students, the dream will become a reality. That is proof of what can be done when a group focuses on a goal. Special thanks to RUTHIE RUBIETTA and the PUBLIC SERVICE PRACTICUM classes of GCHS. You guys ROCK!