According to my mom, " I sang before I could talk." And I have never stopped. I Love to sing, write and play instruments. I come from a family of talented and successful singers and songwriters. You can often find me in my room working on a new song. I spend hours upon hours creating songs. God has blessed me with an amazing gift. The summer of 1996, when I was 13-I wrote my first six songs and I still have them. I composed my first song at the age of 18. I always have to carry a notepad, pen and recorder in my purse. I have many restless nights because songs are always playing in my head.
I dream about music and my destiny is to share His message with the world. I was scared to share what He birthed in me with the world because I was afraid of the task at hand. But the Lord spoke to me and said people are hurting and need to be reached. I threw my fears behind me and embraced the call on my life. I am currently writing several books and plan to learn to play seven instruments.In all that I do I want God to be glorified. Nothing else matters if He isn't satisfied. My message and mission in life is to please Him. I want my life and ministry to reflect the image of Christ. I am on my way and will not stop until God's message is known where ever I go.I am the minister of music at my church as well as praise team leader and youth vocal instructor. <mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true"