emilie [♥] profile picture

emilie [♥]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

It's an elegantly bound book in a language you do not understand... This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
* I'm complexly simple.
*** My friends are amazing.
* I like to have fun. But, who doesn't.
*** Sometimes I feel trapped.
* I have two cats and a new puppy. I spoil them rotten.
*** I'm creative.
* I'm often mistaken or rarely understood.
*** I have cold hands, but a warm heart.
* I'm knowledgeable, but not always smart.
*** I'm not perfect, just forgiven.
* I will never be politically correct.
*** I have bad days sometimes, but I don't get put out by them.
* Life is to short to be anything but happy.
*** I'm constantly amazed at the ignorance all around me.
* I am the best version of myself thus far.
*** I have learned to not let the behaviors of others influence MY own decisions or actions.
* I like to make lists. For EVERYTHING. BUt rarely ever follow them.
*** I'm a procrastinator. I work awesome under pressure and in little time.
* I love art. Painting, drawing, photography, visual arts, crafts.
*** I put great importance on being educated and continuing in my education.
* I strive for excellence in everything I do.
*** I want to make a difference in this world, and I WILL.
I am happily married to the best guy in the world! ♥ I am finally back in school for degree number 2 and loving it! It's not easy, but I enjoy a challenge and find my classes fascinating. Right now I am extremely busy with it and working two jobs on top of everything else, all of which I love because they keep me learning new things.
I completely love my life, thanks to God, and through Him, I am trying to make decisions that will impact our future for the better. I enjoy time with family and friends as much as I do just spending time alone. I feel like the world has a lot to offer, if I am willing to take advantage of it. Each day is something new and filled with blessings.
MySpace Layouts MySpace Layouts
MySpace Codes
MySpace Backgrounds

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

There is one God
He is Holy
There is one Lord
Over everything
There is one King
He is Jesus
King of glory
Strong and mighty

My Blog

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