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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

As you can probably figure out, I'm an avid sport fisherman. I also have an interest in the paranormal.

Tip (updated 8/12/07): Every loose an important file? Yup, we've all been there. Try an online backup service. Most have free starter accounts. You can always upgrade later. Lately I've been using Mozy and like it a lot. So far so good. Check it out! Well worth it if you ever loose some data.

Updated 5/21/07! - A clip of Dennis Miller from 'The Half Hour News Hour' show on Foxnews (Sunday nights in my area). I normally would not post political stuff on my page but Dennis got it so right!

My Interests

I'm an avid sport fisherman! I have been fishing since my father taught me to fish as a small child. I enjoy all tackle fishing - fly fishing, spin and surf fishing, boat, bottom and offshore fishing. And just recently I bought my first fishing kayak, a Heritage Marquesa 14 (same as a Redfish 14). While my "home turf" is the waters around Long Island I have also fished Martha's Vineyard, Cape Cod, Block Island, the New Jersey Shore, Florida and the Keys, Bahamas, Mexico, Belize, The Virgin Island, Tortola and Puerto Rico. I hope to get to Costa Rica one day soon!

Please visit my fishing website at


Also visit:

Professional paranormal investigations serving Long Island, New York, and surrounding areas.

I am also a certified SCUBA diver with hundreds of dives logged both locally and around the world.

And lately I have become interested in the paranormal. I am a member of two local groups, LIPI (Long Island Paranormal Investigators) and LISPR (Long Island Society for Paranormal Research). Both groups offer my unqiue opportunities to study paranormal phenomena (especially my interest in EVPs).

I'd like to meet:

Anyone into fishing (especially saltwater fly fishing), SCUBA or the paranormal. In particular I'd like to meet William Shatner or Leonard Nimoy, and I would have liked to have met the late Jaques Ceusto (I know I spelled that wrong, I'll fix it later). The late President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II would also have been interesting to meet.


As of now I'm a big fan of "Lost", "Invasion", "Surface" (when it was on), "Dr. Who" (both the old/original series and the new series on Sci-Fi), "Battlestar Galactica", "House", SG-1 and SG Atlantis.

Used to really like "Jericho" but those idiots at CBS cancelled it!! The one hit show they've had in years and they cancel it!! Morons!

I also enjoy "Family Guy", "Robot Chicken" (you have to know what I mean), "South Park", "Draw Together", almost everything on "Adult Swim", and "The Boondocks".

Naturally I'm also a super Trekker (fan of the old/original "Star Trekl" series).


Most books by Tom Clancy.

My Blog

The Corvette Story

Many people have asked me about my current profile pic so here's the story behind it: The picture was taken when I was 3 years old. We were living in our house in Jackson Heights, Queens NY (NYC). The...
Posted by Jaiem on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 11:01:00 PST


K.I.S(.S) - Keep It Simple (Stupid) If there's one mantra for saltwater fly fishing that should be it. No surprise. In all other manner for fishing (bait, lures, surf, boat, bottom etc) 9 times out of...
Posted by Jaiem on Mon, 22 May 2006 08:47:00 PST

In defense of floating fly lines

Most saltwater fly casters in our area today are using intermediate line. It is a good line. I use it a lot too. But don't overlook floating lines. Granted you can't use it as well in chop or in the b...
Posted by Jaiem on Tue, 09 May 2006 07:39:00 PST

Working the Spring Shore Line

Have I mentioned yet that spring fly fishing is my favorite time of the year? Being able to find likely spots when fishing the creeks and marshes isn't as easy as it seems. Not difficult either. Read...
Posted by Jaiem on Tue, 09 May 2006 07:38:00 PST

More videos

I uploaded some more videos. Hopefully they will take. Last time only 1 out of 4 was accepted/processed.   Enjoy!
Posted by Jaiem on Wed, 03 May 2006 09:07:00 PST

Online videos

Hi everyone. I uploaded some videos. They seem to work. Check them out!
Posted by Jaiem on Tue, 02 May 2006 07:54:00 PST