Daydreaming in parks, a good glass of wine with my friends, parties, gigs, LAUGH, LAUGH!! Cooking for my friend, hookah, mint tea, yoga, chess, my cigarette after coffee, bossa nova, wild dancing, rock'n'roll, passion, unrequited love, dreamers, poppies, roses, Japanese koi pond, music, watching movies, naps, midnight swimming, autobiographical writing, Henry Miller, Rimbaud, passionate poetry, beatniks, sensuality, omnivorous reading, my rum cocktail, guinness, snowcones, art and philosophy, revolutionary spirit, my bestfriends...EVERYTHING I CANNOT SEEI feel you all around me you are everything i cannot see as the ocean crawls onto the shoreline so you lap at the edges of meand now, as i'm walking i know that you're watching me move for as much as i need you i must walk away from youyou're my life, you're my hope you're the chain, you're the rope you're my god, you're my hell you're the sky, you're myself you're the reason i'm living you're all that i have to discoveryou're the rain, you're the stars you're so near, you're so far you're my friend, you're my foe you're the miles left to go you are everything i ever wanted and you are my loverso i carry i carry the flowers the flowers that are dead in my hands they will rise up at the very sight of you they will naturally understand that today is the day that we find out once and for all now you know i must leave here you must let me stand or fallif i leave will you follow can i put my faith in youand i love you now as i loved you then but this island life just had to end but you will allways be my special friend i will carry you with me and we can love againnow the drizzle soaks us to the skin and the stars hang like a noose so let's face this together now this storm is finally thoughyou're my life, you're my hope you're the chain, you're the rope you're my god, you're my hell you're the sky, you're myself you're the reason i'm living you're all that i have to discoveryou're the rain, you're the stars you're so near, you're so far you're my friend, you're my foe you're the miles left to go you are everything i ever wanted and you are my lover
Sonic Youth, Radiohead, PJ Harvey, Pavement, Pixies, Pulp, les Smiths, Interpol, Blonde Redhead, Will Oldham, Chokebore et Troy, Yo La Tengo, Stereolab, Jeff Buckley, David Bowie, Catpower, Hood, And you will know us by the trail of dead, Notwist, Lift to Experience, Velvet Underground, The Doors, Beatles, Iggy Pop, The Clash, Mercury Rev, Bob Dylan, Pocket Symphonies, Leonard Cohen, Kusturica and No Smoking Orchestra, Sparklehorse, My Bloody Valentine, Arab Strap, Dandy Warhols, Supergrass, Beck, The Cure, Nirvana, Flaming Lips, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Dionysos, Arcade Fire, Divine Comedy, Mogwai, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Slint, Sigur Ros, Deus, Noir Désir, Kaolin, Purr, Calc, Kami, Coldplay, Travis, Said the Sharks, Yann Tiersen, Gainsbourg, Mano Solo, Django Reinhardt, Ennio Morricone, Portishead, Goldfrapp, Morcheeba, Bjork, Unkle, Massive Attack, Air, Feist, Rickie Lee Jones, all Tarentino soundtracks, LCD Soundsytem, Asian Dub Foundation, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Paris Combo, Os Mutantes, Buena Vista Social Club.. THOM YORKEPJ HARVEYDYLANTIERSENBJORK/GONDRYYO LA TENGO ..
les films de David Lynch, Emir Kusturica, Gus Van Sant, Jim Jarmusch, Wim Wenders, Quentin Tarentino, Tim Burton, Terry Gilliam, Woody Allen, Stanley Kubrick, les Frères Coen (The Big Lebowski, Fargo...), Sergio Leone, Almodovar, Hitchcock, Bunuel, Charlie Chaplin, Truffaut, Godard, et puis Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, all clips by Gondry, American Beauty, Goodbye Lenin, Fight Club, Existenz, Sin City, Usual Suspects, Rusty James, Rebel Without a Cause, Snatch, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Trainspotting, Pi, Monthy Pythons, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Being John Malkovitch, Easy Rider, Petits meurtres entre amis, Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation, True Romance, Magnolia, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Leaving Las Vegas, C'est arrivé près de chez vous, Le Péril Jeune, Very Bad Things, La Vita e Bella, Masked and Anonymous, Before Sunrise, Amélie Poulain, Romeo + Juliet, Mary à tout prix, Bridget's Jones Diary, Cry Baby, La Cité de la Peur, Bowling for Columbine, Dancer in the Dark, Breaking the Waves, Chat noir Chat blanc, A Streetcar Named Desire, Purple Rose of Cairo, Requiem for a Dream, Préparez vos mouchoirs, A Bout de Souffle...
Pas grand chose, mais si je devais conseiller une série, jetez-vous sur Six Feet Under, si possible en anglais, et j'aime aussi beaucoup Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, Lost et les Simpsons, les Carnets de Monsieur Manatanne, Nip/Tuck, le zapping...
Rimbaud, Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs, Thomas Pynchon, Paul Auster, Amistead Maupin, J.D. Sallinger, Philip K.Dick, Whitman, Thoreau, Poe, Hunter S.Thompson, Hubert Selby Jr, Charles Olson, Bukowski, lots of American writers and poets, et puis Céline, Camus, Vian, Proust, Genet, Kundera, Kafka, Joyce, Wilde, Gide, Neruda, Garcia Marquez, lots of French poets, les Surréalistes et les Dadas, Freud, David Lodge, Nick Hornby, Virginia Woolf, Anais Nin, Duras, Colette, Sand, Sylvia Plath, Portrait of Dorian Gray, Catch 22, 1984, Farenheit 451, Brave New World, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Pride and Prejudice, Lolita, The Melancholic Death of Oyster Boy, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, le Diable au Corps, Ubu Roi...ART: Dali, Picasso, Gauguin, Cézanne, Renoir, Van Gogh, Monet, Rodin, Warhol, Hopper, Escher, Matisse, Chagall, Boltanski, Drew Mariano, Frida Kalho, Braque, Man Ray, Duchamp, Gaudi, Miro, Lloyd Wright, Degas, Seurat, Kandinski, Manet, Klimt, Brassai, Munch, Pollock, Vlamink, Derain, pop art, impressionism, cubism and surrealism...