music. guitar. shit like that. do not feel like saying more.
in short - anyone (boys and girls) who feels like talking. but you'd better be funny. and interesting, intelligence and good looks won't kill anyone as well.. :P basically, just not those who are too boring to have anything to say and expect me to do both sides' conversation. do not enjoy that, thanks. ;) i'm not that mean la. dont be afraid of me. ever heard the story of "beauty and the beast"?. i can be nice if you be nice to me. come and be my friends. and be gentleman. have some guts ok. im not gonna bite you.
i have a classic (Nelle), acoustic (Jude) and fender electric (Eowyn). ah, and i have Alanis - harmonica.. oh yeah, and i play harmonica too. it's fun, and really not as stupid as it sounds. love to walk with music outside, play of listen to alanis when im in.. can't live without it, that's it.
Well isn't this like OBVIOUS?? There's nothing cooler then THE LORD OF THE RINGS!! also, there's of course Dogma.. man that shit's funny! that is so stupid, with the sneezing! metatron rules. oh, i also find some cartoon or that computermade, whatever that's called movies, such as finding nemo, and ice age - these rock! Dori for president!
well, almost everything. tv, that's cool. do that all the time. when i have it. time, i mean. hate all that reality tv shows. those hilton girls should die. oh, besides survivor. that's cool.
lorrie (lord of the rings - rule), the potthead (harry - stupid, but surprisingly fun), and some other stuff.. i read.