Mayra profile picture


I was naieve but woke up and found that the future holds a good place for me

About Me

About myself. I'm a dork. I love school. I think learning new things and getting to meet new people in that environment is awesome. I love working with children and love hanging out with my friends when I have time. I hate shredded lettuce but love salads. I hate habitual line steppers. Even though I am young, I know what I want out of life. Repeated line steppers have no room in my life. Been there, done that, it sucked. I am one to push my shopping cart all the way to the spot where they go and for some reason hate to eat in front on people when I'm driving. I don't like them watching me eat which to them I know looks like I'm stuffing my face. Lately i've been really tuned in to house, old school hip hop and idie rock. I'm finally back in graduate school and I am loving it. Hope to finish my masters by December of 08. We shall see what life has in store for me.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Dali Lama, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Gwen Stefani (she's hot), Willy Wonka, Napolean Dynamite, Freud, Jesus (we have a little something to discuss), the characters to fraggle rock and the muppet babies. (religiously watched those growing up)


I love spanish rock.(Mana)- My Fav. I really like the 80's. Especially The Cure and Depeche. House, Hip Hop (old and new)


any pshycological thrillers, labryinth, will wonka and the chocolate factory. anything johnny depp


Will and Grace-I love Jack & Karen


Spanish literature, self-help books, children's books, kabbalah


my momma (love that woman) and my brother julio (you know barbara)