i would be jodi.
i love cartoons.
spongebob squarepants is my favorite.
i'm a vegetarian and proud to be.
i love animals.
my boyfriend is pretty amazing.
i miss my daddy everyday.
i wish i saw my mother more.
ignorant, white trash people annoy me.
so do gangsters and juggalos.
actually, just people that intentionally
sound like an idiot.
we go to school to learn.
pay attention to the grammar now and again.
i don't do drugs.
and don't like them around me.
i don't take any medication what so ever.
which in my case probably isn't the best idea.
i think karma will hit you eventually.
can't remember the last time i saw my sisters
or for that matter my nieces & nephews.
music is mine to love, listen to what you want.
Horror movies are awesome.
(hard to find sweet ones)
i don't know where i'll be in 5 years.
don't really mind.
here and now, might not be the best motto.
but it's what i have.
i think bad religion is the best thing
to ever happen to me.
i don't think i'll ever claim a religion.
whether it be, agnostic, atheist, christian.
whatever, i don't have a set mind on it so
i think it's dumb to label yourself if you
don't even fully know what you believe in.
i will not live my life dedicated to something
that is not tangible.
i like ethnic variations in life.
i love history, but wish some of it would
stay in the past.
racism, sexism, fascism, all dumb.
be kind to elders, even when they are
dicks to you.
have patience with kids.
they learn from you.
be you.
you can't change the past.
let the present ride.