Committed For Life...... profile picture

Committed For Life......

I am here for Friends

About Me

i would be jodi.
i love cartoons.
spongebob squarepants is my favorite.
i'm a vegetarian and proud to be.
i love animals.
my boyfriend is pretty amazing.
i miss my daddy everyday.
i wish i saw my mother more.
ignorant, white trash people annoy me.
so do gangsters and juggalos.
actually, just people that intentionally
sound like an idiot.
we go to school to learn.
pay attention to the grammar now and again.
i don't do drugs.
and don't like them around me.
i don't take any medication what so ever.
which in my case probably isn't the best idea.
i think karma will hit you eventually.
can't remember the last time i saw my sisters
or for that matter my nieces & nephews.
music is mine to love, listen to what you want.
Horror movies are awesome.
(hard to find sweet ones)
i don't know where i'll be in 5 years.
don't really mind.
here and now, might not be the best motto.
but it's what i have.
i think bad religion is the best thing
to ever happen to me.
i don't think i'll ever claim a religion.
whether it be, agnostic, atheist, christian.
whatever, i don't have a set mind on it so
i think it's dumb to label yourself if you
don't even fully know what you believe in.
i will not live my life dedicated to something
that is not tangible.
i like ethnic variations in life.
i love history, but wish some of it would
stay in the past.
racism, sexism, fascism, all dumb.
be kind to elders, even when they are
dicks to you.
have patience with kids.
they learn from you.
be you.
you can't change the past.
let the present ride.

My Interests

ME AND RYAN. [8/25/08]

I'd like to meet:

Greg Graffin



no one other than my mother and my daddy.
my mother has taught me more than she will ever know.
it takes a true man to look beyond the fact that a child is not his and still love it unconditionally.

My Blog

to everyone and anything.

i have a little over 3 months to do this right... start this fresh and start another new. best years of my life here i come... i hope you're ready cause i sure and the hell am. enough of this down in ...
Posted by Committed For Life...... on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 06:23:00 PST

walking alone with a shadow to my side.

it's been one year, four months and twenty three days since i last saw my dad. it still feels like i told him goodnight, that i loved him and that i would see him tomorrow, last night. i didn't think...
Posted by Committed For Life...... on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 07:55:00 PST


it's weird to think that this time last year i was just getting to really know one of the people i miss the most in my life .... heather. i miss her more than any of you could ever imagine. i made a l...
Posted by Committed For Life...... on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 11:28:00 PST

one of those things...

so the past couple weeks have been interesting to say the least... i started dating a guy who if we do this right could be who i've been waiting for. he's pretty amazing. still working at the steamboa...
Posted by Committed For Life...... on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 04:53:00 PST

i wil miss you...

so one of the most precious people i hold dear to my heart had a major loss today... a friend of mine as well...i love you very much heather.... i will always love you.. you have been a big big part ...
Posted by Committed For Life...... on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:20:00 PST

it’s kinda hard staying sober in the h i c

so i ran into some friends today and i felt like a stranger. it's so weird they used to be my other half... things change though, as does everything and should. it just bothers me, i have a hard time ...
Posted by Committed For Life...... on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 06:07:00 PST

hopeless romantics never win.

finding someone who i really click with had always been hard... found him. damn you hawaii. i have been the happiest i've been in a while. hanging with jeff, max is coming home! and i met aj. :) reva,...
Posted by Committed For Life...... on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 02:26:00 PST

nights like these

nights like these are just amazing. i can't even begin to express how happy i am. living in newport, soon to be covington. for the first time since i moved home from cali things are looking up... tha...
Posted by Committed For Life...... on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:44:00 PST

Just one of those days, weeks, months...years?

Sometimes it's not as easy as i make it look. Sometimes it hurt. Right now, it hurts. A LOT....
Posted by Committed For Life...... on Wed, 21 May 2008 01:40:00 PST

my daddy

Today. well today was just a day. a day that was filled with memories, sadness, laughes and irratation.a year ago, today, my daddy died. i just stayed out of it all day. dj tj and i went to florence a...
Posted by Committed For Life...... on Tue, 06 May 2008 11:01:00 PST