christine profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

petite and feisty...oh.and cute too. (nyahaha!!!)about me: *i hate scrambled eggs with ampalaya for breakfast but would love to have fresh salted ampalaya with my meals *i'm loving and affectionate but not in an obvious and girly2 way *i hate ice cream with bagoong but like banana with soy sauce *i love to eat ovaltine straight from the pack (or jar, or glass or whatever container) *i love HOT & SPICY food *i can finish a novel in one sitting *i'd very much want for my room to be clean but i don't have the time for cleaning (nyahahaha!!) *i would if i could but parasailing will remain a great fantasy of mine (is there anyone out there willing to take me parasailing? if yes: lez go!)

My Interests

reading books, eating, watching tv, food tripping, assist my uncle and mom in their events, to become a psychologist and eat eat eat!!!... adviser to others but freaks out when it comes to my life

I'd like to meet:

good people. PERIOD. hehe.. i'm not really picky.


OPM, a dash of bossa nova, sprinkled with mellow, a pinch of rnb, a bit of trance and pop and lots of bumming time!


wild hogs! wild hogs! (i sooooo love wild hogs)


local soaps (walang kapalit, maging sino ka man, pbb), csi, grey's anatomy, house, discovery channel, cnn


can't live without a little romance... add to that those spine-tingling, nail-biting suspense ones... EXCEPT those that leave me with those damn nightmares.i hate it when that happens.


my boyfriend... *winkwink* my dad, mom, sis, friends, those inspiring people being reported on the news and those who aren't recognized yet by the media.. you know who you are. =)

My Blog

pooped and hating it

i'm pooped from the travails of a student nurse and i long to doze around all day doing nothing... hehehe... this has been my mantra from what seemed like eternity. i am now beginning to feel th...
Posted by christine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i feel sexy

i feel sexy. maybe it's because of my blouse that looks as if it's already too small for me to wear. or maybe it's because of the fat that's filling out my small frame. or maybe it's because ...
Posted by christine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hurt =(

as of this moment, i am hurting not just physically but emotionally as well. although the hurt and the pain that i feel right now have already subsided, i can still feel the tremors the earthquake of ...
Posted by christine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

gettin fat...

im gettin fat. im gettin fat. don't want the world to know... shouldn't let it show.. nyahaha!!!! yup! this small-time girlie here is catchin up on the lbs! from a measly weight o...
Posted by christine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the bug's into me

don't you just hate it when the bug creeps up on you on the week when you're supposed to give the biggest report of your life so far? and it creeps away unnoticed. at first. but then you feel...
Posted by christine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

stress and those little things called ulcers

i feel the hunger pangs intensifying as the minutes i spend in front of this damned computer tick by... so why don't i eat? maybe because i feel my time (and money) will be much more well-spent ...
Posted by christine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


im sittin here alone... by myself... in front of the computer... and in the noise of the room i am in right now, i am able to realize something. i am alone. for the first time in my summer200...
Posted by christine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

summer miseries

nothin much for me... summer's a bummer. why does it have to rain so hard? got my pretty little feet drowned in deep puddles awhile ago... i even got to be so thick-skinned as to ask a guy to shar...
Posted by christine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST