"Yeah remember, the last time we passed this I said 'Hey, Tut almost hit those cones last time,' and the time before that Tut almost hit those cones."
-Mike Milsap
"Where's Courtney?"
-Me :)
-"Okay nigger, save the day."
"You can't leave a beer unattended, that's like not paying child support."
-Josh Halliday
"To be honest, I don't really like you either."
"You have the biggest dick of us...because you sure know its not me or Josh."
"So Tut, why do all these people know you, and you don't remember them?"
"Don't try to drink and sing, it's much better to drink and drive."
-The wifeys.
"We thought there was a carnival."
-Partner :)
"Don't wash your hands!"
-Ryan Chucky O'Connor
"I'm not the one thats falling, you're falling."
-Josh the cripple
"You had that sad little girl leaving the store because she couldn't get any candy look on your face."
"OHH no, I will stop drop and roll out this bitch."
"I feel like a dinosaur...ERAaAHHHH"
"Yeah, he's talking to the alcohol"
"Ok, here....and you, you be safe."
-Red face Ronnie
"If I lived in a square room with block walls I would love music to."
"Well lets see I did a driveby at a minuture golf course."
"I don't like the way she walks..."
-Haha Yeah, I got it like
"Liscense and...whaat the fuck???"
"I was dancing for you...I don't know I thought thats what friends do."
"Well it was fun and I lived so it's not that bad."
"I'm at that retarded age, I'm not a teenager and I can't buy beer. Sooo basically I'm a fag."
-Random Drunk Dude.
"Bro that's my girlfriend...and my sister. Don't fuck with her."
"WHAT?! Okay, you're not going to hell anymore, you will just be stuck in purgatory."
"I'm adopted."
-The wifey
"Yeah, around the time you started skipping class and drinking at lunch right?"
"Did you have a long night last night?
Yeah why??
WHY?!?...Well let me tell you exactly what you did."
-Me and Marcus...yeah well it was fun
"Is he retarded?...Did she just take his v-card and dip?"
"I wish these fat bitches would shut the fuck up."
-Obnoxious drunken Tuttle
"Here search that bag, there's beer in it."
"Why don't you shotgun another beer you little pussy."
-Matt's RA
"I didn't even know my name let alone how to drive."
"Shouldn't you like be off getting drunk somewhere?"
-Christov the lush
"Hold on I gotta find a phone!"
-Me :)
"Well its like hes all wow thats beautiful, and I'm like wow lets get fucking wasted."
"Thats the drink of your elders you little bastard."
"Michelle is the shit and Tut, she's a gangsta."
-Jersey knows
"I love white people."
-Young Joc :)
"What would you have to be worried about, them eating jello and driving?"
Me-"I don't know what this is...."
Amber-(Sniff) "Oh, thats beer!"
"I won't even be mad if you do something obsene. I probably did it to you."
Tuttle, Danielle K. Duh