i reaLLy LyK waTcHinG the sUnseT aNd The sTaRs!! eaTiNg is One oF mY faVoriTe hObbIes!!NyaHaha!!zaGu, hAw fLaKes, jeLLy aCe, MaRsHmaLLows, LoLLipOps!!cHocoLaTe caKes, daRk chOcoLaTE!i reaLLy Like tO maKe sOme nOise!!har,,har,,
ANY oNE WHo WAnTS To BE cLosE To Me!I DoN'T LiKe PEOpLe wHo doesN't waNt mE!i dOn'T LikE yOu eiTher!!geT it yOu pricK?!hahA!!
PunK rOcK, aLterNaTivE rocK, kaRma bY aLiciA keYs- i jusT LikE thaT sOnG it maKes me feeL gOod!, smiLe in yoUr heaRt!-maKinG me feeL in LovE!hehe! mY onLy OnE-yeLLow caRd!sucH a tRagiC sOnG! tEenaGe dirThbag!-fOr a weiRdO anD geeKes!!haha!tHis is a verY cUte sOnG!
maTiLdA-i reaLLy LikE thIs mOvie siNcE i wAs 8 Or 9 YeaRs oLd! i waNt tO be LikE heR!hihi!! tHe EyE!-Of aLL the HorRor fiLms i waTch.. thiS iS thE onLy Movie wHo giVes me a freaKy niGhT! fReaKy friDaY-i LIkE LindsaY!hAhA! JU-oN 1&2- tHE chiLd is The mOST cUtesT gHosT id eveR seEn!ahihi!
niCkeLodEoN- i reaLLy liKe caRtOons!anImaX- fOr the caRdcaPtoR sakUra! MtV And Myx-fOr mE tO practice mY siNginG!ahaha!!
gOosEbUmpS!-thiS bOoK is my aLL tiMe faVoriTe!!aS i'Ve saiD i reaLLy LIke hOrRor!!
Of cOurSe!spIder maN!ahAhA i reaLLy LikE hiM!hE's a cUtiE!hEhE!bUt i in reaLiTy..aLL thE peopLe wHo is aLwaYs thEre fOr me aRe mY herOes!!!That's wHy i aLwaYs vaLue theM..hAyyy..!*haRt waRminG* inDeEd!