You Are 80% Indie
You're a very indie person, and admit it, you look down a little on people who strive to be normal.
You'll indulge in a little mainstream pop culture every now and then. But for you, anything not indie is a guilty pleasure!
How Indie Are You?
Which Twin Peaks character are you?
You're Special Agent Dale Cooper. You're often too brilliant for people to really follow, but your infectious enthusiasm makes up for the fact that you're frequently incomprehensible. You are smart, intuitive, clear-headed, compassionate, and cute as hell -- about your only flaw is your insane coffee consumption.
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You Are Gonzo the Great
"Is something burning in here? Oh, it's just me."
You're a total nutball who will do anything for attention.
The first to take a dare, you'll pull almost any stunt.
You're one weird looking creature, but your chickens don't mind!
The Muppet Personality Test
You Are Oscar the Grouch
Grumpy and grouchy, you aren't just pessimistic. You revel in your pessimism.
You are usually feeling: Unhappy. Unless it's rainy outside, and even then you know the foul weather won't last.
You are famous for: Being mean yet loveable. And you hate the loveable part.
How you life your life: As a slob. But it's not repelling as many people as you'd like!
The Sesame Street Personality Quiz
And these pretty ladies....
(despite the fact that Evanescense are a bit crap)
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And a film which I'm IN....
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Peter Biskind,James Ellroy( The Big Nowhere is amazing!),Slvia Plath, Nick Cave, Gary Larson, Neil Gaiman and Stephen Kings The Stand is the BEST BOOK EVER!