MySpace Layouts
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I Love
I dOn't Like: Spilling things, when Ruger gets mud in the house, People who dont take care of their kids...or HAVE money but choose to spend it on themselves instead of getting things their kids stuff they need. When i clean the bathroom and an hour later SOMEONE gets it dirty...that drives me crazy~ Having No money is the worst!
my baby girl
I never miss a day of General Hospital, HouSe, GrEYs anAToMy, ER,i couLd waTCh LaW and OrDeR aLL day Long, i loved the Oc, FriEnDs, KiNG oF quEeNs, aLMosT anYThINg on LiFetiMee...
My Mom iS my HeRo aNd my BeSt FriEnd* and my Daddy~ because he does everything and anything for anybody and gives his family everything he can!! Carson and Ruger are aLso my heroe's because they make mommy smile all the time~!