I'll Eat Your Face is a two-man grinding party pack, brimming with excellence and straddling the divide between the sound of a building site and a 8-year old's birthday party. Guitars and screaming are handled by the fabulous THE BOY, who has a birthmark and a crazy square head. On drums and crying we have handsome streak BARRYTRON, who has fairly long legs and a really skinny face.
"I’ll Eat Your Face are anything but a rational band, and more a primal force of nature"
"...how these boys slipped below the radar for so long is beyond me, although plenty of others here tonight seem well aware of them. Jamming an obscene amount of songs into as short a space as possible might be nothing new, but they manage it with such precision and a wicked sense of humour. More!"
"They are a phenomenon but hard to describe. You'd kind of have to be there, you'd kind of have to know where they are coming from......You just got to love 'em and people do!"
We are playing parties and if you want to book us, contact us through this page.
Official Blurb:
Most of the songs are about irritating, fat women. Every now and then we write about the actor Terry Crews, or the dead TV presenter Richard Whitely. Most frequently though, our lyrics deal with a futuristic dystopia solely inhabited by partially-robotic, partially zombified evil fat women in a cold, uninhabitable laser-peppered comic-book hell. These robo-zombie-fatties are genetically fatter and robotically more annoying than ever before (plus they're undead). This creates (in our minds) a powerful sense of dread. It is an edgy and modern take on the entertaining and always-popular subject of annoying fat women. It is worth noting that the women in these futuristic post-apocalyptic nightmare scenes are very VERY fat indeed.