ACID VICIOUS is the first outside colaboration between Diva members.After experimenting with electro-rock, having an ever growing taste for electrotek and acidhouse.ACID VICIOUS is flowing between electro , acid and tek to explode the dancefloor.Every tracks was produced by ACID VICIOUS at COXINHELLSTUDIO .DATES :NO/ID ..pisode 1, Hy..res, 31/12/05
C's, Shanghai, Chine, 12/01/06
Electro Circuit, Fabric, Shanghai, Chine, 14/01/06
New Top One, Xiaguan, Chine, 16 et 17/01/06
Soir..e ..lectrochic, Omega live, Toulon (avec Danton Eeprom, John Lord Fonda), 22/04/06
Volume, Nice (avec Danton Eeprom), 29/06/06
NO/ID ..pisode 2, Hy..res, 08/07/06
Les 2 fr..res, Nice, 26/07/06
NO/ID ..pisode 3, Hy..res, 09/09/06
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Graphism Design by MissBulle