checking the horoscopes. hula. polaroids. sparrows. sugarplums. hair. making big plans. perfume. telling jokes. movies. poetry. lingerie. margaritas. counting the stars. flowers. rock'n'roll. eating. dank. knitting. cooking. the beach. little sisters. getting dolled up. reading [aloud]. breezy days. singing. being chill. knowing everything. phonage. late night phonage. rap. midday phonage. dancing. blushing. sparkly things. pornos. raunchiness. music. making stuff//arts&crafts. giving advice/lending a helping hand/giving a shoulder to cry on/being a nice ass mother fucker. hip hop. taking over the world. getting crazy. girly stuff. hanging with guys. street art. vintage. sunshine. fruits. cute pets. nordstrom. batman. sleep. staying in. going out. the night time. bicycles. pineapples. green. city lights. wallpaper. hippies. parties//kickbacks. fraternizing with the enemy. lush. chapstick. vacaysss. punking people. the number 8. hello kitty. dresses. drawing stuff
sounds better turned WAYYYY UP.
i'm a big movie buff. ask lori.
like em
i guess i never really had a hero...
We all live in a melting pot fueld by society's hatred for everything, and in our constant race against time to aquire greedy desires, we lose our only piece of mind that makes us truly wealthy.
Silver and Gold are a front to mask our sadness.
Free your mind and we can live free.