masDesign - Sonny (SON) profile picture

masDesign - Sonny (SON)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"I'm D.M.C. in the place to be... I go to St. John's University... and since kindergarten I acquired the knowledge..and after..." Oh dayum, my bad, I had a standing in the mirror with Cazal glasses, no shoelaces Adidas and a brush for a mic thinking I was DMC flashback. I am Marcus, but most call me Sonny or SON. I am a born and raised NU YAWKA... whahyougahddaproblemwiddat. Educated in Baltimore or Bmore or Bodymore or Bawlmer depending on what side of North Avenue you are standing on. I am a proud member of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc... OW~OW to my Frat Brothers and a Free and Accepted Mason-PHA. That's right, SON'S LIGHT shines bright when I am traveling to and from the east.. big up to my Squares and F.A.T.A.L. OE SiStars.
I am a graphic designer and operate my own business (masDesign)... which means I pay more bills than I make money. That equates to drinking red Kool-Aid instead of red wine, eating fish sticks instead of salmon and steak-um instead of filet mignon. Go figure.
(insert sappy violin)
I was disabled for several years with a major tumor-like mass which left me immobile for a minute, I finally had a life saving surgery which took a good year to recover from and then May 2007, I had gastric bypass.
(doing the wop roger rabbit hammer time dance now)
You can imagine a brother don't like to stay still now, so I am always trying to pack a lifetime into every second of every minute of every hour... you get the flow. Life is too short to worry about bullshiggery... so if you need drama in your life, miss me with that... capiche... comprehende... seen... ovastand... aight... ya feel me... nahmean dun... yah heard me wodie... GOOD.
I am my brother's keeper so there won't be any steppin on a brother's toes to get 'atchu'... I am also the product of a bunch of older sisters and a tough as nails, cuss like a sailor, cave your fuggin' chest in, hug you like a tight azz 1970 mock neck sweater and feed you like a soup kitchen mother that taught me well.... however, they left out some KEY parts... like how the hell do you say Hi to a lady without them thinking you trying to jump dem dere bones... SHEESH... LOL.
**DISCLAIMER** For the cool, down to earth, open minded, diverse thinking, don't give a flying fugg what the infamous 'THEY' think, not afraid to step outside the box, read more than just the Source magazine REAL MEN, REAL WOMEN, PRINCES, PRINCESSES, BROTHERS, SISTAHS, KINGS, QUEENS, LIONS, LIONESSES, LADIES and GENTLEMEN, I gotchu if need a friend.For the conceited, teeth suckin', eye rolling, talk about another sistah because she got her twins out, jealous because another sistah is getting more play from the brothers than you are, think your pooosay can fugg a man's mental up, drama fiending, immature little girl mind in an adult body females AND the only talk about sex, think your dicc is God's gift to women, chest pounding, eye popping tongue wagging when a woman is present, insecure around real men, afraid to be a man amongst men, immature little boy mind in an adult body males... I GOT NOTHING BUT SARCASM AND LAUGHTER FOR YA SILLY AZZEZ.
Thanks for stoppin by...
LUV IS LUV SONNY You can find me at:

masdesigns06 @hotmail (business)
[email protected] (personal)

Image Hosting

My Interests

Upcoming Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Omega Alumni / NPHC-MB Events

Click Here: La Reina- Dreaming Into Reality 2008 Calendar (Available)

Click Here: MaMa Base

Click Here: Africano Connections

Click Here: DJ ETrain

Click Here: Classic Soul 107.5 On-Line Radio

Click Here:

Click Here:

Click Here: 92QJams

Click Here: Ms. Dyzihre

Click Here: The Backspin

Click Here: WaggieKatz Gear

Click Here: KC Promotions

Click Here: Naughtyville Entertainment

Click Here: Sabrina Foxx

Click Here: Luscious Kisses

Click Here: Jus Chocolate

Click Here: Da Cookie Jar

Alpha Omega Alumni Chapter

I'd like to meet:


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"Straight Outta Harlem" by MoeRoc - this is my joint right now. HARLEM STAND UP!!!! Ow Ow FRAT!!!

My Blog

CHUUCH - June 22, 2008

  Wassup My Myspace Friends (of Friends of Friends of Friends)   Welcome, welcome.... well come on into another Sunday suhvice at the Sonny Myspace Chuuch On The Hill. I, Pastor Inyor P...
Posted by masDesign - Sonny (SON) on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 12:08:00 PST

Happy Daddy’s, Father Figure’s and Father’s Day...

Wassup My Myspace Friends (of Friends of Friends of Friends)During the past five to ten years, or so, there were alot of discussions about how wonderful (and rare) it was to see a father/mother/child(...
Posted by masDesign - Sonny (SON) on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 08:15:00 PST


Wassup My Myspace Friends (of Friends of Friends of Friends) Today is a scorcher out there, many parts of the country will hit in the triple digits and most certainly, the heat index will make it fee...
Posted by masDesign - Sonny (SON) on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 10:05:00 PST

The Reason For The Season...

Wassup My Myspace Friends(of Friends of Friends of Friends)Over the years the meaning of Memorial Day has faded too much from the public consciousness. From a solemn day of mourning, remembrance, and ...
Posted by masDesign - Sonny (SON) on Mon, 26 May 2008 11:18:00 PST

CHUUCH - May 25, 2008

    Wassup My Myspace Friends (of Friends of Friends of Friends)    Welcome, welcome.... well come on into another Sunday suhvice at the Sonny Myspace Chuuch On The Hill. I, Pas...
Posted by masDesign - Sonny (SON) on Sun, 25 May 2008 11:32:00 PST

Remembering Langston...

Photo by Gordon Parks James Mercer Langston Hughes(February 1, 1902 - May 22, 1967)Wassup My Myspace Friends(of Friends of Friends of Friends)Born in Joplin,  Missouri, James Langston Hughes was...
Posted by masDesign - Sonny (SON) on Thu, 22 May 2008 11:31:00 PST

Kids Say The Darndest Things...

My (and Keith's)NephewsWassup My Myspace Friends(of Friends of Friends of Friends)Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. I hope everyone's day is going (have went) well. Welcome to another edit...
Posted by masDesign - Sonny (SON) on Thu, 15 May 2008 07:32:00 PST

Everyday is Mother’s Day...

the pics are old mainly because I like old picsWassup My Myspace Friends (of Friends of Friends of Friends) Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. I hope everyone's day is going (gone) well. OK...
Posted by masDesign - Sonny (SON) on Mon, 12 May 2008 11:49:00 PST

"Levantas el puño, no tu cerveza!!!"

Wassup My Myspace Friends(of Friends of Friends of Friends)Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.  I hope everyone's day is going great?  The translation of the sentence in the title "L...
Posted by masDesign - Sonny (SON) on Mon, 05 May 2008 07:23:00 PST

CHUUCH - May 04, 2008

  Wassup My Myspace Friends (of Friends of Friends of Friends)   Welcome, welcome.... well come on into another Sunday suhvice at the Sonny Myspace Chuuch On The Hill. I, Pastor Inyor P...
Posted by masDesign - Sonny (SON) on Sun, 04 May 2008 09:18:00 PST