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About Me

Name: Rodney
Date of Birth: 4/9/74
Birthplace: middlebury Vt
Current Location: Pittston Pa
Eye Color: blue or green (depends who you ask)
Hair Color: brown
Height: 6'2"
Heritage: mutt
Piercings: just my ears
Tattoos: 15 of em
Band/Singer: Nirvana
Song: you know your right
Movie: no friggin clue
Disney Movie: bad enough i gotta watch em
TV show: Sportscenter
Color: black
Food: My fettucine alfredo
Pizza topping: meat or ham and pineapple
Ice-Cream Flavor: something with caramel in it
Drink (alcoholic): beer, don't drink liquor anymore
Soda: mountain dew
Store: circuit city, best buy, comp usa, ebgames etc
Clothing Brand: Dickies shirts, levis or Jnco for pants
Shoe Brand: Nike or skechers
Season: spring after the mud dries
Month: April
Holiday/Festival: easter
Flower: lilies, they are erickas favorites so they remind me of her
Make-Up Item: I'm a dude, no make up
Board game: trivial pursuit
This or That
Sunny or rainy: sunny, i hate rain
Chocolate or vanilla: both please
Fruit or veggie: depends
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: love, its harder to get and even harder to keep
Phone or in person: in person, I hate the phone
Looks or personality: Personality, looks go away when you turn out the lights
Coffee or tea: coffee, black
Hot or cold: either way
Goal for this year: be happy
Most missed memory: spending time with my family
Best physical feature: my eyes i've been told
First thought waking up: i gotta piss
Hypothetical personality disorder: i got enough, I don't need a hypothetical one
Preferred type of plastic surgery: none
Sesame street alter ego: oscar the grouch, i'm an asshole
Fairytale alter ego: fuck fairy tales
Most stupid remark: to many to choose from
Worst crime: I'm not saying
Greatest ambition: Watching Zoey grow up, having more children
Greatest fear: Being alone
Darkest secret: I got none
Favorite subject: History/criminal justice
Strangest received gift: it wasn't strange, it pissed me off, was from my sister saying some bullshit about love your brother, even when he doesn't deserve it.
Worst habit: procrastinating
Do You:
Smoke: not anymore
Drink: rarely
Curse: Fuck yeah, usually at least 1 per sentence
Shower daily: yeah, I hate BO
Like thunderstorms: As long as its not raining I love em
Dance in the rain: I have before, but I generally hate rain
Sing: not very well
Play an instrument: i can hardly whistle
Get along with your parents: Yes
Wish on stars: no
Believe in fate: yeah
Believe in love at first sight: Hell yeah, I thought Ericka was really cool the first time i talked to her (I didn't fall in love right away, but i really found her cool)
Can You:
Drive: Better than most people
Sew: a little
Cook: I'm a good cook
Speak another language: Yo habla espanol poquito
Dance: I used to, out of practice
Sing: not on your life
Touch your nose with your tongue: Yes I can (girls love this, unless theres something dangling)
Whistle: barely
Curl your tongue: yup
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: More times than i can remember
Been Stoned/High: been there done that
Eaten Sushi: Hell no
Been in Love: i am right now
Skipped school: yeah
Made prank calls: I do this at work
Sent someone a love letter: not that i remember
Stolen something: yeah
Cried yourself to sleep: i did this alot as a kid
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? stupidity, not paying attention
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? whats a bedtime
Name three things you can't live without: food, water and sleep
What is the color of your room? white
Do you have any siblings? yeah 1
Do you have any pets? 2
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? if I hated em enough I'd do it for free
What is you middle name? william
What are you nicknames? We aren't goig there
Are you for or against gay marriage? whatever makes people happy
What are your thoughts on abortion? Not enough space to really explain
Do you have a crush on anyone? Just my Ecka
Are you afraid of the dark? nope
How do you want to die? painlessly and swiftly
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? who came up with this question
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yeah
What is the last law you’ve broken? Speeding
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Don't care, I just want it long
Eye color: brown eyed girls make me melt
Height Shorter than me
Weight i like em athletic and curvy
Most important physical feature: face and ass
Biggest turn-off stupidity
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My Interests

Which serial killer are you most like?
Ted Bundy
Charming aren't you? Probably smart as a whip too, but maybe a bit too cocky for your own good. Think you'd be able to talk your way out of the electric chair? Bundy couldn't.

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I'd like to meet:

I'm fascinated by crime, serial killers mostly. I briefly took some online college courses on criminal justice and would love to work in the field of murder investigation in some shape or form, ideally as a detective. SO for me I'd like to meet some of the big names in crime fighting, like Robert Ressler, Dr Bass from the body farm in Tennessee (this guy does some fascinating shit with donated dead bodies), Dr Henry Lee, and also I'd like to meet and question some of the people who commit these crimes, like Son of Sam David Berkowitz, Charles Manson (hes never been actually proven to have committed a murder, but he was obviously involved in a few), Gary Leon Ridgway and of course a few who were dead, Like John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy, probably the two Biggest names in Serial murder in the United states.


Nirvana, older Metallica (the new bassist sucks and so does the new sound) Aliza's Misery (awesome smalltown band from vermont)Green day, Marilyn Manson, Tom Petty, Grateful Dead, Offspring, Everclear, Megadeth, Korn, Kid Rock etc etc


What kind of drunk are you?
Rowdy Drunk
Shut up, already, rowdy drunk! You're the most dreaded drunk of all to waitresses and bartenders alike. I could probably find you in an enormous group of people, banging your mug on the table, singing Irish drinking songs, and screaming, "WOOOO" every 13 seconds for no particular reason.

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Watered down beers disgust you, as do the people who drink them.
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But your friends tolerate your drunken ways, because you introduce them to the best beers around. What's Your Beer Personality?

My Blog

Who I am

Just posting this up here so all my friends and anyone else who gives a shit knows how I'm doing. My names Rodney, I'm 32, married to Ericka and daddy to Zoey, my 5 year old bundle of energy. We curre...
Posted by Roddo on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 08:00:00 PST