Too many to recall. Basically, you name it -- except for, oh, group sports, gambling, and substance abuse -- I'm there. Latest discovery: whitewater rafting, at the oars. Dance and swimming are returning. Rock-wall climbing will creep in next year.
My ancestors. Perhaps I could learn something from them. Like how to pack mud into a bullet wound in one's head and survive with reasoning intact.
Nearly anything. Then again, I'm picky.
Ok, some of it is strange, but in my defense, it's comfort viewing. What Not To Wear, House, Monk, Sex and the City, The Colbert Report, Invader Zim, and I'm working my way through Confessions of a Matchmaker, Whose Wedding Is It Anyway, The Big Gay Sketch Show, Coming Out Stories, Cheerleader Nation, Pros vs. Joes, and Dress My Nest. You'd think I was getting married, or coming out of the closet, or into sports, but none of the above are true. A common factor? They're on iTunes. And my iPod is broken, drowned in a bath of bubbles.
Currently, The Black Book by Orhan Pamuk -- and a page a day.
Anyone who pursues what they really want to be doing, or creates what they need to create, regardless of the norm. Conviction and imagination is inspiring.