I like to roll around in fast cars and going on drives on nice days or nights when there isnt sh*t to do. You can find me on the rolling at Alki beach, Seattle, UW, Eastside or at the races most of the time im kickin' it friends and fine bitches.
friends cars
Most nights we just kick it and bullshit or watch movies if its raining but whenever its dry you can find us smashing on doing freeway runs at night on 509 or I-90 in the tunnels or just working on cars.
You can find me at the crib or in the shop or kickin' it with my hommies
Money is also a big influence in my life you can learn alot by understanding where all the money goes and then learn to make your own.
1997 Twin Turbo Supra
a pretty girl..possibly like you or your girlfriend, her sister or the milf running around your house.
THAT IS SINGLE and doesnt have a boyfriend or say they're single when they really aren't.they are FAITHFUL and you dont have to worry about them cheating or lying to you there has to be TRUST. ANOTHER THING is that they dont play games with you and cause to much drama.
Sometimes the ones with the drama aren't even worth it because there FAKE HOES
Scandlous girls dont waste your time here because Im not down for games I live in Reality so if you want to be fake and front dont waste my time. Im good at reading people so in the end ill just make you feel stupid when you get caught up. I just want to have a fun drama free time so if your that kind of girl then get at me.
I know some of you are jealous haters...u wish you had what i have. If you think that im making a wrong statement then why do you guys talk about my shit so much. You can say what you want its my "BEATER CAR" and its just a "DAILY DRIVER". You may call me spoiled....EVERYONE knows my dad doesn't give me free money. I pay for my shit and its still nicer then yours and its 100% LEGIT.
AND IF I EVER WANT SOMETHING BAD ENOUGH I usually GET IT...IF i cant get it my dad will buy it and front me the cash so money aint a thing. So if i dont have it i probably dont want it so dont think you have anything on me lol i have a type r and i dont even like hondas so hate all you want it doesnt bug me i know my shit isnt full of bondo and been smashed up before my car is REAL and I might be rolling stock but I have FIVE LUG and if I want something bad enought ill get it when I want it ive prove and can do it again. This is true when it comes down to girls or getting cars. So dont be mad you have set limits and I dont. SO I guess its to bad you arent me because....I "HAVE" ALL of your "WANTS"
Just about any rap and r&b is coo with me both new and old skool
Scareface, All the Friday movies, the Fast and the Furious 1 & 2, The Girl Next Door, Thirteen, Vanishing Point, Gone in 60 Seconds...and other stuff...chick flicks jk
hardly watch that its mainly for people who dont have life and sit indoors all day and have no friends...i rather socialize
Hot Rod Magazine, Super Street, Honda Tunning, Mopar Muscle, Modified Mag and other car magazines
Woodburn Oregon
High School Drags 2004
my daddy cuz hes taught me alot of the stuff that i know and has teached me how to become a baller