I tell people that I am a minister...cleverly disguised as a meter-reader. It's my desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others...through music, teaching, preaching, or just being a friend that will take time to listen.I have a beautiful wife and daughter who enjoy practical jokes as much as I do! Toy snakes, mice, and bugs in my bed, my bvd's...yep you read right. There's never a dull moment in the Woods household!I am a graduate of Thomas Heyward Academy. I attended one year at Charleston Southern University...where I met my lovely bride. At CSU, I led worship for the Baptist Student Union and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.We then moved to Tulsa, Ok to attend Rhema Bible Training Center. I graduated from Rhema in 92' with an emphasis in Youth Ministry. I've served as worship leader, assistant pastor, youth pastor, children's worker, small group leader, toilet scrubber...whatever way I could serve the Lord and His people.In 2004, I set up my ministry with the government as a 501c(3) non-profit religious organization. I have had the privilege of serving the body of Christ through Word and Music at various churches and events.In 2005, I answered the call of God to join Him on the mission field of Zimbabwe, Africa. I have partnered with Rev. Agrippa Dube of Zimbabwe to help the churches, pastors/leaders, and orphans in Zimbabwe. We are grateful, and yet very humble, to be able to help the precious people in Zimbabwe!I am also currently taking courses through Christian Leadership University. Mark and Patti, thank you for hearing God's voice to start CLU! My life has already been changed for the better!!!JIM
Join Zimbabwe's Song from Dispatch Foundation on Vimeo .Keith Green: Asleep In The Light...A Call to Action