Kane profile picture


About Me

My name is unimportant. why u may ask? b/c no one knows me but sence that you came to this place i will tell you. i am kane. my full name is Kane Micheal Mus. my name means "a bueautifel gift from god" (i problely spelled that wrong) i am a bad speller. i am the avrage joe. my mom and dad are still together and my mom (who is a great woman and my stone) is kind to every one i mean she has to be she is a nurse. my dad (who is an avid out doorsmen) can be rough but is really kind but he can be really evil some times. my lil brother (his name is jared but who cares) he is a seroius annoying force. my life consists of wakeing up, skool, lunch, skool, home, on the computer, kiced off, sulking, and takeing up space. my faverite thing to do is talking to my girl friend kara. she comes on every once in a while but she is my guideing force and i love her for that and my she live long. i like to lissen to music. my faverite type of music is rock. i just like to sit there and bang head to the music. the music i dont mind but dont like is rap and country. i love to watch movies. one of my faverite movies is zoolander. that movie is the best and if u have not seen it you are missing out. my other faverite movie is monty python and the holy grail. if u have not seen it you can drop off the face of the earth (unless ur kara). my faverite thing to do in free time is play video games and work out. video games is the one thing that im good at. i can play a video game from begining to end with no breaks for ne thing else so if im not here im playing video games. my other thing is working out. yes i do have some big muscles but they dont really show b/c i kinda have a lil belly from the child years. my faverite animal's is the cheeta and the monkey. the cheeta b/c its fast and thats what i want to be but i dont like to run so ill just buy a fast car. and the monkey b/c thats what i am a monkey. lol. i love the out doors and sleeping in. when im out doors im free. i love to hunt. i hut with bow and arrow to keep the sport alive. sleeping is what i do every day i can i will sleep in b/c i am lazy. i am really shy and will hide from every one if i dont know you. the best way to get me out is talk to me. but if you talk t00 me in sk00l then i will not be s00 k00l. hehehe fun 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o. i love u kara. do doo doo do.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

um kara and uhhh god and umm harrison ford and uhh will farril.

My Blog

im so lonly

i feel like im falling out of the loop. i dont know whats going on ne more. i dont even know if my g/f is two timeing me. its killing me inside and i need out of this body. out of this whole town. m...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Feb 2005 20:21:00 GMT

awww man!!

well this will probly be my last post for a while untill i get my math grade up! its a reall bummer and i wish that it did not happen but life sucks so kara i will miss u and hope to talk to u soon w...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Jan 2005 01:07:00 GMT


oww my whole body is in pain. snowbarding can really take it out of you. snowboarding can turn a strong teen into a puddle of jello in only a few runs. i got 3 times better then i was witch is a re...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Jan 2005 10:58:00 GMT

my thumb

my ass.... what a pain in the ass. ok sence i have writen the whole storry out once b4 and it dint take i will summerize. snowbardin, not enough munny, work, shaveing tree, thumb, sharp knife, sliced...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Jan 2005 21:59:00 GMT

death is my friend

my body is in fire. yay. burn me. turn me into your ashes and pack me with u. then dump me out and spread me around. let the wind carry me away as u wave good byes. my death will be ilrelvent and col...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Jan 2005 16:04:00 GMT

ummmmmm....like today

doody pooty fruity. im fucking board and want to type something so her i am talking to my self so why not talk about my day. my day........i woke up at like 11:30 and ate some fruit loops. (yum) then...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Jan 2005 20:36:00 GMT